Traumatic Abortion Method to be Forced on Public Universities with New Bill
California students struggling with the trauma of giving birth to their dead babies in their dorm rooms could be a common occurrence if a bill
California students struggling with the trauma of giving birth to their dead babies in their dorm rooms could be a common occurrence if a bill
The Center for Medical Progress (CMP) has yet again released an undercover interview featuring a bone-chilling conversation between undercover CMP journalists and the former Arizona
Democratic Senator Connie Leyva is today expected to introduce a devastatingly harmful bill that would forcefully require any California college or university campus that received state
President Ronald Reagan said, “We cannot diminish the value of one category of human life – the unborn – without diminishing the value of all
The U.S. House of Representatives voted to eliminate federal funding for abortion yesterday, with a vote of 238-183. The Hyde Amendment was used for decades
Planned Parenthood claims that abortion makes up only 3% of the services that it offers to women, but the 58-million children aborted since Roe v.
Hopefully you don’t get all your news from the mainstream media. If you did, and only saw the number of people who come to the
Today, in one of his first and most significant acts thus far since taking office, President Trump reinstated the so-called “Mexico City Policy,” giving pro-life
The Alabama Supreme Court recently ruled in favor of preborn child in a wrongful death lawsuit involving mother Kimberly Stinnett and OB/GYN Dr. Karla Kennedy,
On December 1, the Center for Medical Progress reported that the House Energy & Commerce Committee’s Select Investigative Panel announced that they have referred Planned