Leanna Wen Follows in Footsteps of Her Predecessor Cecile Richards
The new Planned Parenthood president Leanna Wen as definitely just as radical as her predecessor Cecile Richards. Leanna Wen is just as vocal in her
The new Planned Parenthood president Leanna Wen as definitely just as radical as her predecessor Cecile Richards. Leanna Wen is just as vocal in her
A new national poll released its findings showing that the majority of Americans think abortion is wrong, according to 2018 State of Theology survey ran
Today, the Alabama State Supreme Court ruled unanimously that “the value of the life of an unborn child is no less than the value of the
Every year, the March for Life announces a new theme for the upcoming march. Last year’s theme was “the power of one,” emphasizing the impact
Recently the twenty year anniversary of the death of Mother Teresa (also known as St. Teresa of Calcutta) passed. Mother Teresa lived from August 26,
In a statement on Monday issued by the White House, President Trump affirmed that Down Syndrome babies have “a right to life.” October is Down
Last Sunday, Governor Jerry Brown decided to veto SB 320, stopping a two-year effort by bill author Senator Connie Leyva (D-San Bernardino) to force California
The abortion giant Planned Parenthood has apparently bullies a Hyatt Hotel into cancelling a screening of the abortionist Kermit Gosnell movie screening that was scheduled to take place this weekend.
California Family Council previously reported the news that Planned Parenthood hired a former emergency room doctor as their new President and CEO. Dr. Leana Wen
Apparently the atmosphere within the company culture at Twitter is pretty polarizing for anyone who is not a liberal. This bit of information comes from