CA Churches Win Lawsuits Over Abortion Coverage Mandate
Four California churches filed two lawsuits over the state’s unconstitutional mandate that requires churches to provide employees with abortion coverage in their health insurance plans.
CA Lawmakers Introduce Resolutions to Celebrate “Pride Month”
Every June, corporate America, Hollywood, public institutions, the federal government, and even some churches display rainbow flags and engage in virtue signaling as they enthusiastically
New Bill Mandates Tampons in 3rd Grade Boy & Girl Bathrooms
Two years ago the California State Legislature overwhelmingly approved the bi-partisan Menstrual Equity for All Act mandating the placement of feminine hygiene products into public
CA Resolution Celebrates LGBT Politician Who Encouraged Rebellion Against God’s Design
California lawmakers have introduced a resolution commemorating May 22 as “Harvey Milk Day” in an attempt to normalize sexual deviancy and empower LGBTQ+ identified individuals
Disability Rights Group Sues California Over Physician-Assisted Death Law
Physician-assisted death has quickly become an accepted practice in ten states, including California. Proponents insist these practices are “compassionate” or “dignified” ways to die, when
CA Student Confronts School Board for Allowing Allegedly Violent Male to Use Girls’ Restroom
Policies that allow students to use whichever sex-specific bathroom or locker room that matches their “gender identity” are not only an irrational denial of reality,
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