Mourning in America: A Response to the Orlando Gay Nightclub Shooting
California Family Council condemns in the strongest terms the deadly shooting that took place inside an Orlando nightclub early on the morning of Sunday, June 12.
Opposition to SB 1146 Growing as Colleges Speak Out
We’ve talked to you before about SB 1146, the bill that would restrict the religious liberty rights of colleges and universities throughout California. Simply put,
Life • Family • Liberty 10: Election Day and Legislative Update
Jonathan and Johnny tell you to go vote today, and give a rundown on legislation in Sacramento: the defeat of SB 1457 (released-time religious education,
Attack on the Press: AB 1671
Last summer, David Daleiden from the Center for Medical Progress made national news by releasing videos revealing how Planned Parenthood officials sell the body parts of
Life • Family • Liberty 9: Alliance Defending Freedom vs. Pro-Choice Bullies
In the first of a series of episodes recorded in Washington, DC at the offices of Alliance Defending Freedom, Johnny and Jonathan talk to ADF
Life • Family • Liberty 8: Obama Overreach & Supreme Court Victory!
Jonathan and John dive into the recent Supreme Court win for religious non-profit organizations, who will now not be forced to provide contraception and abortifacient
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