CA Democrat Senator Diane Feinstein Attacks Circuit Judge Nominee for Faith
Yesterday, California Democratic Senator Diane Feinstein attacked a judicial nominee for upholding her Catholic faith. During her confirmation hearing, U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals nominee
CA Churches Are Still Being Forced to Pay for Elective Dismemberment Abortions
(Image courtesy Live Action News). California churches are still being forced to help pay for abortions through their health insurance plans, after a legal challenge
Cecile Richards Says Every Person has the “Right to Live”?
According to an email sent out to Planned Parenthood supporters Cecile Richards is “infuriated” and “heartbroken” that Trump is ending DACA because it could cost
Gender Change & Anti-Religious Liberty Bills Nearing Final Approval
As the 2017 legislative session comes to a close, California state legislature gave final approval to several horrific bills. New proposed laws to change the definition of
Tucker Carlson Speaks Out Against a CA Bill that Jails Healthcare Workers Who “Misgender”
Tucker Carlson, from Fox News, takes to task Robin Biro, a Democratic strategist, who likes a proposed California law, SB 219, that would jail senior citizen
Five Resources For Addressing Transgenderism
The transgender debate is a very touchy, hot button topic,and one that you should be informed and equipped on. It’s a topic that you will
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