5 Facts About Planned Parenthood
Redirecting Funds Away from Planned Parenthood Won’t Hurt Women’s Healthcare One question that has been raised quite frequently especially by talking heads on the news
CA Legislator Ignores Supreme Court: Claims He Can Compel Private Schools to Promote His Message
Last year, the U.S Supreme Court struck down California’s Reproductive Fact Act as a violation of the First Amendment, because it required pro-life pregnancy centers
CA Rep. Devin Nunes Sues Twitter over Shadow Ban
Republican California Representative Devin Nunes is suing Twitter over its shadow ban and censorship of conservatives. Last year the tech giant removed Nunes’ and several
Planned Parenthood CEO Leana Wen Claims Late Term Abortions are “Rare”
Planned Parenthood CEO took to Twitter on Tuesday to again spread misinformation, this time claiming that late term abortions are “rare” and only used in
Nikki Haley to Headline Susan B. Anthony List Pro Life Gala
Today, the Susan B. Anthony List announced that the former Governor of South Carolina, and Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley will headline their
Pro Abortion Senator Kirsten Gillibrand Announces Presidential Bid
New York pro abortion Senator Kirsten Gillibrand has officially added her name to the list of Democratic contenders challenging President Donald Trump in the 2020
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