Parents Say Proposed CA Health Curriculum “Makes Us Sick”: Sacramento Rally May 8
Rally and Hearing at the California Department of Education May 8 Parents with Informed Parents of California (IPOC) feel physically sick to their stomachs after
California Legislature Takes its Gender Revolution to the Prisons
For the last several years California legislators have been ramping up their efforts to legally obliterate male and female definitions by disconnecting the legal link
California Mom Fighting for Sex Ed Transparency Succeeds in Getting her Bill to Senate Hearing
A sex-ed transparency bill, authored by Senator Mike Morrell, is heading to the Senate Education Committee next week, yet its real author is first-time, citizen
Hearing this Week for CA Bill Making Students Walking Billboard for Abortions
The California Assembly Education Committee plans to hold a hearing this Wednesday on a bill to make private and public school students billboards for abortion.
Hundreds of Fired Up Parents Tell Legislators “Don’t Mess with My Kids”
Stephanie Yates got choked up staring out at the cheering crowd of over 500 sign-holding moms and dads who traveled from all over the state
ACLU Pushes Early Erotic Child Development in CA Public Schools
When it relates to the latest radical brand of Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE), apparently virtually no topic or issue is too much or too soon
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