California Legislators Push Bill to Make it Easier for Sex Traffickers to Sell Poor Women on the Streets
State legislators continue to push along a bill that will enable sex traffickers to more easily sell women on the streets of California’s poorest neighborhoods.
UCSF’s Gory Details Expose Abortion Industry’s Inhumanity
Live Action, a CFC ally and staunch pro-life organization that uncovers the realities of abortions, recently released documents related to UC San Francisco’s research department.
Identity Politics Collapse when Men are Allowed to Expose Themselves to Women and Children
The radical left loves to use identity politics. According to many Democrat activists, almost any demographic group other than white conservative Christians ought to belong
California’s Travel Ban is a Classic Case of Hypocrisy
The radical left and its most prominent politicians display a glaring pattern of projection, accusing vast swaths of people of perpetuating hate and discrimination, while
Why are we so divided?
Independence Day should be an event where families and friends gather for barbecues and community firework shows, celebrate our country, and be grateful for its
Tell Your Legislator to Value Human Life from Conception to Natural Death
We have two important bills at the state capitol with hearings tomorrow that threaten the value of human life here in California. As Christians, we