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Planned Parenthood Referred for Criminal Prosecution

On December 1, the Center for Medical Progress reported that the House Energy & Commerce Committee’s Select Investigative Panel announced that they have referred Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast for criminal prosecution to the Texas Attorney General on account of its illegal sale of baby body parts.

David Daleiden, founder of the Center for Medical Progress writes:

The Select Panel is the only official, comprehensive, nationwide investigation of Planned Parenthood’s harvesting and sale of aborted fetal organs, and their findings confirm the criminal activity at Planned Parenthood that CMP’s videosdocumented and show that the wrongdoing goes even deeper than anyone first suspected. The Panel has also criminally referred Planned Parenthood’s closest business partners in the sale of aborted baby parts to various state and local law enforcement. Law enforcement and elected representatives at all levels must now act quickly to bring Planned Parenthood to justice under the law and prevent any more taxpayer subsidies from flowing to Planned Parenthood’s barbaric criminal enterprise.

CMP’s videos on the entities referred by the Panel for criminal prosecution can be found at these links:

Planned ParenthoodGulf Coast
DaVinci Biosciences/DV Biologics
Advanced Bioscience Resources

Live Action News reported:

The Gulf Coast affiliate of the abortion chain was implicated in undercover videos from the Center for Medical Progress. In August of 2015, Center for Medical Progress (CMP) released its gruesome fifth video, in which the Director of Research for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, Melissa Farrell, reveals the way Planned Parenthood is willing to alter the abortion procedures on women so that buyers can obtain the “right specimens” such as “intact fetal cadavers.”

As Texas Right to Life notes, former Harris County District Attorney Devon Anderson “mismanaged the case to the benefit of her friends at Planned Parenthood,” indicting “citizen journalists David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt, the heroes who documented the shocking misconduct of Planned Parenthood” instead of prosecuting Planned Parenthood “after they were caught red-handed in blatant wrong-doing.”

Finally, National Review’s Alexandra DeSanctis wrote:

The latest news on their investigation came on Thursday, when Utah congresswoman Mia Love announced on the House floor a list of eight criminal referrals — recommendations that local law enforcement further investigate the groups in question. Among the referrals was one made to the Texas attorney general’s office regarding Planned Parenthood of Gulf Coast, after the panel discovered evidence indicating that the group sold body parts of aborted babies to the University of Texas, an activity that is illegal under both Texas and federal law. The investigation is ongoing, and more referrals are expected as the committee continues its work.

We will continue to update you as the story develops.


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