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Firefighter Families in California District Welcome 9 Babies in 5 Months

Firefighters from the Rancho Cucamonga fire district in California had a heart-warming announcement which they posted via Facebook. The fire department posted about several newest additions to the fire department family, and the photos are adorable.

The post reads, “Say hello to Rancho Cucamonga Fire’s newest little family members! Between March and July of this year, nine babies were born in the department and we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to capture this special moment. We are thrilled to see our RCFD fire family keep growing!”

According to CNN:

Crazy as it may seem, this was actually a coincidence. The fathers began talking to one another in the department and the word about the mass pregnancies spread “like wildfire,” Gabrielle Costello, a spokesperson for the department and also one of the new moms, told CNN.

Some of the fighters are first-time dads, while it’s the fourth go-round for others.

Congratulations these firefighters and their families!



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