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Planned Parenthood may have Doctored Abortion Sale Records Given to Congress

On October 25, 2018, the Center for Medical Progress submitted records to a federal judge in Oakland, California indicating that Planned Parenthood and their suspect business partners Advanced Bioscience Resources (ABR) may have unethically and illegally altered records about their sale of aborted baby parts. Planned Parenthood and Advanced BioScience Resources released what were claimed to be the same invoice but what turned out to be different versions of the same invoice. For this reason, CMP is requesting that the federal court make Planned Parenthood and Advanced Bioscience Resources release the original invoices.

David Daleiden, project lead for the Center for Medical Progress 

“The glaring discrepancies in Planned Parenthood’s alleged documentation of their baby body parts revenues call into question every statement Planned Parenthood has ever made in defense of their abortion harvesting programs. This would not be the first time Planned Parenthood has apparently doctored critical evidence about their own wrongdoing. Planned Parenthood has everything to lose if the full scope of their illicit trade in aborted baby body parts is revealed, and when the Congressional investigations made criminal referrals of Planned Parenthood and their business partners for selling baby parts, the House Select Panel had to refer Planned Parenthood partner StemExpress for evidence destruction. As the U.S. Department of Justice continues to follow up on the criminal referrals for Planned Parenthood and ABR, it is imperative for prosecutors to seize the original financial records from Planned Parenthood and their accomplices immediately, so these depraved enterprises cannot continue to cover up their criminal sale of baby body parts.”

From page 15 of the Court filing:

ABR did produce some documents in response to an earlier subpoena. Both ABR and Plaintiffs produced the invoices which ABR submitted to Plaintiffs PPPSW and PPMM. The PPMM invoices produced match, but ABR and PPPSW produced different versions of the same invoice. Compare Exs. 32, 33, with Exs. 34, 35. Further, the revenue totals and procurement totals, when added up based on the invoices produced by ABR and Plaintiff PPPSW, do not match the totals that PPPSW reported to the Select Investigative Panel for fiscal year 2015. See Dkt. 306 at 712; Dkt 307 at 307 (316 products of conception for $18,960).(9) However the ABR fetal tissue invoices for July 2014 to December 2014 alone—half of fiscal year 2015—show revenues of $21,120 from ABR for 352 fetal tissue donations. It is unclear to Defendants why the invoices are not identical, or why the numbers do not add up, but it is perfectly possible that the invoices were subject to tampering and someone falsely reported information to Congress. See Dkt. 303-3 at 183–92 (Referral of StemExpress, LLC to the U.S. Department of Justice for prosecution for destroying documents in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1519). Thus, it is critical that Defendants obtain access to third-party documents to verify that Plaintiffs are not producing fabricated evidence.

(9) PPPSW’s fiscal year, as reported on its 2015 form 990, is July 1 to June 30.

Planned Parenthood was referred for investigation in 2016 over its illegal sale of baby parts. 



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