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Historic Opportunity: CFC is on the Ballot to Stop Prop 3 Across California

California Family Council (CFC) is honored to be listed as the official opposition to Proposition 3 on every California ballot in the 2024 election. This historic opportunity is an answer to two decades of prayer and dedicated activism in California. 

For over 20 years, CFC has worked to defend the sanctity of life, uphold the traditional family, and protect religious liberty against the secular onslaught from government and media. Now, God has opened the door for CFC’s message to reach millions of homes across the state! This “free advertising” courtesy of the government is nothing short of extraordinary, and we believe this is a powerful reminder that the Lord is still at work, answering the prayers of His people.

To put this opportunity into perspective, the Golden State has over 22 million registered voters for the 2024 election, and each one receives a printed ballot with CFC’s name listed on it! For a state as large and influential as California, this level of visibility is a game-changer. It represents an unprecedented chance to reach individuals who may not otherwise be familiar with CFC or its mission. Voters across every city, town, and rural community will now see California Family Council standing boldly against Proposition 3, a dangerous and misguided measure that undermines the family and threatens children.

Proposition 3 Ballot Language mentions California Family Council

As the only organization officially named on the ballot to oppose this measure, CFC’s presence signifies a clear call to action for all Californians. After decades of faithful engagement in the public square, God is giving us this new platform to influence the Capitol, mobilize the Church, and awaken the Culture. 

Scripture reminds us in Proverbs 21:31, “The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but the victory belongs to the Lord.” Our role has been to faithfully prepare, speak out, and engage—yet the outcome belongs to God, and we trust Him in this fight. Now, as we stand at the threshold of this historic election, we see His hand clearly guiding us, positioning CFC to make an even greater impact for Life, Family, and Liberty.

This extraordinary opportunity is a testament to God’s faithfulness, but it is also a call to action for every voter in California. We urge you to visit our dedicated website,, to learn more about why Proposition 3 is so dangerous and why it should be defeated. More importantly, we ask that you share this message with your family, friends, and neighbors. It’s time to mobilize the grassroots like never before, leveraging every tool available—social media, church networks, and personal conversations—to ensure that the truth about Prop 3 reaches every corner of our state.

California’s voter base is the largest in the country. This massive electorate means that the decisions made here set trends that influence national policy for years to come. What happens in California doesn’t stay in California—it reverberates across the nation, impacting everything from social policy to the culture wars.

CFC’s goal is to influence public policy and inspire a cultural shift that turns hearts and minds back to God’s design for Life, Family, and Liberty. We cannot do this alone. We need your prayers, support, and action! By voting NO on Prop 3 and spreading the word through, you are joining CFC in this critical fight.

Even in the face of intense opposition, “let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9). This is the time to pray, act, and trust God for the outcome. Together, we can make a difference—not just for California, but for the future of our nation.

CFC's opposition arguments in the California Secretary of State Voter Guide.


Double your support of CFC’s work to defend Life, Family, & Liberty by giving before December 31!