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“CA Will Be Saved” Brings Hope to San Francisco

San Francisco, CA – This past weekend, San Francisco’s Civic Center Plaza was transformed into a beacon of hope and faith as hundreds of Christians gathered for the “San Francisco Will Be Saved” event hosted by CA Will Be Saved. Held on July 6th, 2024, this powerful assembly aimed to bring the light of Jesus to the city, offering a compelling counter-narrative to the recent SF Pride Festival.

The event began with a Jesus March from United Nations Plaza, culminating in the main event at Civic Center Plaza. The streets echoed with worship and prayer, as believers united to spread a message of hope and true freedom.

During the Jesus March, Christians joyfully proclaimed “JESUS LOVES,” “JESUS SAVES,” and “SAN FRANCISCO WILL BE SAVED” as they marched through the Tenderloin District. The atmosphere was electric with joy and worship, drawing in the homeless, locals peering from their homes, and even a truck driver who rolled down his window to show his Bible to the marchers

Joel Mott, Co-Founder of CA Will Be Saved, voiced his strong disapproval of the recent SF Pride Festival, calling for a stand against what he termed “defilement and wickedness.” He emphasized the need for a better narrative for the city, driven by the Gospel’s transformative power. “This is not about ‘inclusivity’ and ‘love is love.’ This is absolutely evil and a telling manifestation of an agenda driven by a spirit of perversion and rebellion. It’s time to gather. The world needs to see a better story play out for this city!” Mott declared.

At the main event, Ross Johnston, Co-Founder of CA Will Be Saved, shared his moving testimony of discovering the love of our Eternal Father, Jesus Christ. His heartfelt story culminated in an altar call, where nearly 50 attendees committed their lives to Christ. This moment of spiritual renewal saw many shedding tears of joy and healing.

“SF is becoming a dumpster fire. The whole city is being inundated with propaganda and sexual ideologies,” Sophia Lorey, California Family Council Outreach Director states. “ You can barely walk one block through the city without being bombarded with progressive anti-God messaging. There has to be a better story that comes from San Francisco.”

And a better story is precisely what unfolded. Just a week after the San Francisco Pride Festival, where disturbing videos showed explicit acts, the same grounds witnessed children and adults being baptized in a powerful display of faith.

The “CA Will Be Saved” event was not merely a response but a proactive movement to reclaim the spiritual health of San Francisco. Worshipers sang and prayed with fervor, fostering a profound sense of unity and purpose. This event serves as a clarion call for Christians across California to boldly proclaim their faith and stand firm in their beliefs.



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