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Capitol Report: Psychedelics Defeated, Arizona Abortionists, Sex Buyer Bill Advances, Parent Notification Attacked, Protect Kids from Porn Bill Passes

Bills making their way through the state legislature had to make it out of the first house today in order to survive their path to the governor’s desk. Here is a brief overview of some of the victories and defeats for those interested in advancing God’s design for life, faith, & liberty. Let’s start with the good news. 

AB 3080: Age Verification to Keep Minors off Pornography Websites

The California Assembly has passed AB 3080, a groundbreaking bill aimed at protecting minors from exposure to online pornography through mandatory age verification measures. This legislation, introduced by Assemblyman Juan Alanis (R-Modesto), mandates that websites hosting pornographic content employ age-verification software to prevent minors from accessing such material. The bill also prohibits companies from retaining personal information of users as part of the verification process, ensuring both the protection and privacy of consumers.

California Family Council has been working with the author and a coalition of like-minded groups to highlight the urgent need for this bill. Studies have shown that early exposure to pornography can lead to severe psychological and behavioral issues, including an increased likelihood of committing sexual assault and experiencing anxiety and addiction. With the passage of AB 3080, California joins 11 other states in implementing robust age verification laws to safeguard children from harmful online content. Now the Senate will take up this bill for consideration.

SB 1414: Bill to Increase Punishment on Those Soliciting Sex from Minors

The passage of SB 1414 in the California Senate marks a significant step in the fight to hold sex buyers accountable for their actions. Authored by Senators Shannon Grove, Anna Caballero, and Susan Rubio, SB 1414 aims to strengthen protections for children by making it a felony to solicit, agree to engage in, or engage in any act of commercial sex with a minor 15 and under. This bill seeks to close a loophole in California law that currently classifies such offenses as misdemeanors, thus enabling many offenders to evade harsher penalties. SB 1414’s passage received bipartisan support, reflecting a collective commitment to combatting the exploitation of minors and ensuring that those who engage in such heinous crimes face severe consequences. 

The bill was watered down in the Senate Public Safety Committee against Grove’s strong opposition, so it wouldn’t apply to 16 and 17 year old minors. Read more about those changes here.

SB 1012: Bill to Legalize Psychedelics Dies in Committee

The recent failure of SB 1012, a bill proposing the legalization of psychedelics for therapeutic use in California, marks a significant setback for Senator Scott Wiener and his quest to legalize all illicit drugs. The bill, which aimed to decriminalize substances like psilocybin and MDMA for use in therapeutic settings with professionals who weren’t required to have medical training, faced strong opposition in the state legislature. Proponents argued that these substances have shown promising results in treating conditions such as PTSD, depression, and anxiety. However, concerns over the potential for misuse, the lack of comprehensive scientific research, and the cost of setting up a regulatory structure ultimately led to its defeat. The bill’s failure reflects ongoing societal and political hesitations about integrating treatment known to be harmful to many into mainstream healthcare.

Opponents, including the California Family Council, were vocal in their concerns about the potential negative implications of SB 1012. They argued that legalizing psychedelics could lead to increased substance abuse and jeopardize public safety. In their statement, they emphasized the moral and ethical responsibilities of legislators to protect citizens from potentially harmful substances, regardless of their purported therapeutic benefits for some. 

Now Some Bad News: 

SB 233 Newsom Signs Bill to Let Arizona Abortion Doctors to Practice in CA

In a shocking move that underscores the deep ethical divide in our state, Governor Gavin Newsom has signed SB 233, a new proposal allowing Arizona physicians to perform abortions in California. California Family Council (CFC) vehemently opposed this bill, which prioritizes the termination of unborn lives while ignoring the need for comprehensive, life-affirming healthcare.

California Family Council’s President Jonathan Keller did not mince words: “This bill not only authorizes doctors to kill babies but blatantly ignores those who strive to save them. It’s an insult to everyone who values life’s sanctity and those who seek to protect the most vulnerable among us.” Read more about this bill here. 

CA LGBTQ Caucus Introduces Bill to Ban Parent Notification Policies

Assemblyman Christopher Ward and the LGBTQ Caucus introduced AB 1055 this week to repeal Parent Notification Policies implemented by ten school districts over the last year to make sure parents know when a child is identifying as a different sex at school. The bill compels teachers to conceal from parents the gender identities of students who identify as a different gender at school. Supporters argue it protects the privacy and safety of kids who think they are born in the wrong body from parents who might not approve.

The California Family Council strongly opposes AB 1955, arguing that it undermines parental rights and fosters distrust between parents and schools. They believe parents have the constitutional right and responsibility to be involved in their children’s lives, including their emotional and social development. Schools should not withhold critical information from parents, as this could lead to a breakdown in family relationships and potentially harm the child’s well-being. They assert that such policies not only infringe on parental rights but also violate teachers’ religious freedoms by forcing them to engage in deceitful practices against their conscience.

The bill’s first hearing is next Wednesday, May 29th in the Senate Education Committee. Call the committee members and let them know of your strong opposition to this bill. Find their names here.


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