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New Poll Reveals Most Californians Reject Gender Ideology 

California ranks among the top states passing affirming laws regarding transgender issues, including promoting and protecting transing drugs and surgeries for minors. The 2019 Gender Recognition Act, for example, allows individuals to change their gender on all government documents, including birth certificates and driver’s licenses, upon request. SB107 empowers California’s courts to determine who gets custody of out-of-state children if those children come to California because they can’t get sterilizing transgender drugs and mutilating surgeries in their home states or because their parents object to these experimental treatments for gender dysphoria. Employer-provided health plans are required to include coverage for transgender-related care. Additionally, there is a law allowing prisoners to be assigned housing based on gender identity rather than biological sex, allowing men to bunk and shower with female inmates.

All of these policies, and more, seem to indicate that Californians agree with radical gender ideology. However, a new poll suggests otherwise. 

A November 2023 survey conducted by Spry Strategies polled 1,000 likely California voters with a margin of error of 3.1%. The sample was carefully chosen to align with the demographic composition and party affiliations of California voters. For instance, approximately 47% of California voters identify as Democrats, and the sample reflected a corresponding 48% of Democrats. Similarly, the sample mirrored the state’s demographic breakdown, with around 52% being white voters. Other characteristics such as age and gender were also matched in the sample.

The first noteworthy question asked whether respondents thought sex was binary, with 62% affirming the scientific fact that sex is binary, while only 22% held the view that sex is not binary. Over 70% of respondents indicated that they defined a woman as someone “biologically born female.” Furthermore, 72% said that parents should be informed if their child identifies as transgender while in school.

In addition, 59% of respondents asserted that males identifying as females should not partake in women’s sports, while only 28% supported men competing against women. In terms of access to areas where women change or shower, 64% believed that males identifying as females should not be allowed in those areas, while only 26% supported the idea. Regarding housing in women’s prisons, 60% asserted that males identifying as females should not be accommodated, while 25% said they should. 

Sixty-three percent opposed all “gender-affirming care” (including puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgery) for minors, while 21% endorsed such “care.” Finally, 68% believed parents should not lose custody for failing to affirm their child’s gender, and only 12% supported repercussions, as threatened by the state legislature.

Across the board, a substantial majority of California voters–at least 2-3 times greater–opposed the notion of legally erasing biological sex compared to those who supported doing so. This means California representatives and policymakers are out of touch with most of their constituents. Hopefully, this is a sign that change is coming in California with critical elections right around the corner.



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