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Santa Ana Unified School Teacher: There is Porn on Our School Playgrounds

Santa Ana Unified school teacher Brenda Lebsack courageously wrote to Todd Spitzer, the District Attorney of Orange County, citing a major concern: porn available to children on the playground.

In an email with the subject line “Santa Ana Library bringing PORN on elementary school campuses,” Brenda explained that in September, a traveling library known as the Knowledge Mobile from the Santa Ana Library visited their school playground and set up book shelves for the children. (Check out this week’s schedule for the Knowledge Mobile)

Brenda wrote:

During my break, I browsed the books and saw a colorful book that caught my eye. I checked out the book and it had content such as how to use Sex App’s, how to get “hook ups” and graphic details on how to do many types of sex acts.  I was shocked this content was accessible for K-5th graders.  I complained through WeTip, the Mayor of Santa Ana, and to the Santa Ana Library.  The Santa Ana Librarian Director, Brian Sternberg, told me he’s pressured by City Commissioners to put these books in the Book Mobile (that frequent our parks, schools and zoo).   He said it was a mistake to have it out for K-5th graders because it’s meant for “older youth”.  

The book referenced, This Book is Gay, is incredibly graphic and entirely inappropriate for children. Excerpts of the book can be found here, but please be warned of the explicit content.

But that wasn’t the only offense.

Brenda continued:

Yesterday, Oct 3, 2023, the Book Mobile came again to Lincoln Elementary School.  This time they had a shelf behind the Book Mobile employee who was checking out books to the kids.  I asked, “What are those books for?”,  He said, “For teachers or school employees to check out.”   When I looked at the books, I found X-Rated Materials.  (See a few attached pictures)   WHY is the Santa Ana Library bringing X-rated materials on elementary campuses, to zoos and parks?    

Although we won’t include the pictures here, one of the attachments was a graphic displaying various sex positions.

This was present on a school playground.

Brenda asked DA Spitzer a series of valid questions:  “Why don’t they go to college campuses to distribute their porn, instead of places that are meant for children?  Why isn’t there a sign in the ‘teachers section’ warning us that X-rated materials are in the mix?  Aren’t there laws about this?”

California Penal Code Section 313.1, in fact, explicitly prohibits exposing minors to “harmful matter.”

DA Spitzer, the ball is in your court. Will you protect Orange County children?

Take Action:
  • Contact OC District Attorney Todd Spitzer and ask if he is investigating the pornography given to minors by the Book Mobile at Lincoln Elementary School. Email him at [email protected] or call his office’s Public Affairs Unit at 714-347-8405.
  • If you become aware of pornographic material in your child’s public school library or if your child has been given any pornographic material from a school employee, please report what you found to the  WeTip hotline. The poster below is being posted at school districts around the state.



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