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CA Bill Requiring Schools to Teach Students How to Obtain an Abortion Passes Committee

Last week, a radical new bill passed the Assembly Education Committee in California. If signed into law, AB 598 would require middle and high school sex education teachers to offer students information about local resources regarding contraception and abortion. 

AB 598 would amend the Education Code to read, “Each school district shall ensure that all pupils in grade 7-12, inclusive, receive comprehensive sexual health education,” that offers “Information about local resources, how to access local resources, and pupils’ legal rights to access local resources for sexual and reproductive health care, including, bot not limited to…guidance regarding contraceptive methods and abortion.”

Further, under AB 598, students would “receive a physical or digital resource detailing certain local resources upon completion of the applicable instruction,” likely meaning teachers could provide information regarding how to obtain an abortion or contraception. 

While this bill is extreme and deeply concerning, it’s not surprising. State sponsored sex-ed programs have always encouraged children to engage in devious sexual activity, which will inevitably lead to unintended pregnancies. It’s no surprise that California Democrats want students to know how to obtain an abortion without their parents’ involvement. 

“Rather than working to improve education in California’s failing schools, Democrats are focused on turning students into lifelong customers for the abortion industry,” said Mary Rose Short, the director of California Right to Life.

Middle and high school teachers have no business providing lessons that clearly condone sex before marriage, much less directing them to abortion clinics. Moreover, sex-ed programs often attack children’s innocence by exposing them to mature and complicated topics pertaining to sexuality before their parents decide that they are ready. 

At the very least, parents should be given detailed information about what the sex-ed programs at their schools include with ample notice so they can opt their children out. The safest option for parents is to keep their children away from state-sponsored sex-ed programs altogether. 

It’s safe to assume that any public school’s sex-ed program will instill children with harmful ideas and lies about human sexuality. These topics are best addressed at home, where parents can teach their children vital, Biblical truths about sexuality. 

This isn’t the first time California lawmakers have passed a bill promoting abortion to students.  

In 2022, the California Senate passed SB-24, requiring colleges and universities in the state to provide abortion pills to students free of cost. In addition to violating the conscience rights of taxpayers and campus health care employees, this bill encourages students to use a drug that has proven to cause severe complications and life-long trauma.

Students need real, improved education that promotes virtue and personal responsibility, not ideologically driven lessons and dangerous, lethal drugs. The California legislature is seeking to endanger students at nearly every level with these bills. Most of all, they are endangering the preborn and advocating for the senseless killing of the most defenseless.



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