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Law Firm Says CA School District’s Crisis Hotlines Link Kids to Sexual Predators 

The Pacific Justice Institute, a non-profit law firm that deals with cases pertaining to religious liberty and parental rights, sent a letter to Santa Ana Unified School District informing the superintendent that the district is violating the law due to crisis hotlines that students can access through SAUSD schools.

The letter notes that “crisis hotlines, which can be accessed by students through posters in restrooms, school hallways, wellness centers, and counselor referrals are…surveying minors without parent knowledge or consent which violates several laws” and “potentially placing LGBTQ+ students in harms’ way of sexual predators by mixing minors with unvetted random adults in on-line chat rooms without parent knowledge or consent.”

All national mental health hotlines that schools promote for students refer kids to the Trevor Project, a “gender-affirming” mental health organization for LGBT-identifying youth.  

The Q in LGBTQ stands for queer or questioning.  When children are bombarded with gender ideology propaganda, it’s only a matter of time before they become confused. If students express this confusion after reading books or hearing a lesson that teaches that gender is a choice, then they are automatically referred to LGBTQ+ “resources.” This means that whoever is on the other line will encourage students to continue questioning their gender identity and choose a gender that matches their preferences.

Affirming a child’s erroneous belief about themselves does nothing to help the child and resolve their confusion. In fact, it only elongates their suffering. This dangerous ideology can even lead children to seek harmful, irreversible “transition” procedures, causing deep pain and regret later in life. 

Some California schools even post Trevor Project Hotline numbers on the walls of classrooms and bathrooms. Schools also encourage students to use the Trevor Space to “explore” their gender or sexuality online without parental knowledge or consent.  

When children log onto Trevor Space, they can choose to join a variety of chat clubs including “Witchcraft Club, Furries Club (pretend you’re an animal), Chosen Family Club, Gay Men’s Club with the motto:  Let’s talk about boys!, Regression Club (where an adult man can “identify” as a 6-year-old girl or babies), Nonbinary Pals Club, Autism LGBTQ+ Club, Roommates Squad,” and more.  

Further, when individuals suffering from suicidality dial or text the number 988 to receive help, they are directed to a survey that asks questions about their gender identity. This number is required by law to be put on every student ID in California in the 7th grade and up. 

Confused children need the truth, not affirmation of lies they believe about themselves. Gender is not something to be chosen based on one’s subjective feelings, but a gift from God based on objective biology. Children’s mental health improves when they recognize and accept reality, not when they are made victims of a harmful ideology. 

This is yet another reason parents should be proactive in their children’s lives. They must teach their children why these ideas about gender and sexuality are wrong and how to refute them before teachers and cultural influences like their schools and the Trevor Project indoctrinate them.




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