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Election Day is Tomorrow: Vote Pro-Life; Vote NO on Prop 1

Election day is tomorrow, and it’s more important than ever that every Christian makes their voice heard. Parental rights are under attack, children are being encouraged to mutilate their bodies, Christian business owners are fighting for their First Amendment rights, and progressives are waging a relentless war on the unborn. All of this means that tomorrow’s election holds tremendous weight. This is an opportunity to change the trajectory of California and even save lives. 

This year, Californians will vote on Prop 1, the “Reproductive Freedom” ballot initiative that would amend the state Constitution and establish a “right” to abortion. The State Constitutional Amendment reads as follows:

The state shall not deny or interfere with an individual’s reproductive freedom in their most intimate decisions, which includes their fundamental right to choose to have an abortion and their fundamental right to choose or refuse contraceptives. This section is intended to further the constitutional right to privacy guaranteed by Section 1, and the constitutional right to not be denied equal protection guaranteed by Section 7. Nothing herein narrows or limits the right to privacy or equal protection.

In a legal memorandum, Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) notes that the amendment would allow women to seek abortions at any stage of pregnancy, including gruesome partial birth abortions, and for any reason. The amendment “could also allow men to avoid child support payments, force the state to procure women to be surrogate mothers, and allow children to remove healthy reproductive organs without parental knowledge or consent. The proposed amendment uses intentionally vague terms that threaten the public health, safety, and general welfare of Californians,” notes ADF (Alliance Defending Freedom). 

By limiting common sense limitations and regulations, the initiative endangers women and their babies while undermining the state’s responsibility to protect other fundamental rights. For example, the state would not be able to protect the “conscience rights of doctors and nurses to not participate in ending a human life, parental rights to raise and educate children, rights of association for hospitals and care centers to hire mission-oriented employees, the free speech right to advocate for life-affirming care, and the fundamental right to life of every human being.” 

This is all part of Gov. Newsom’s efforts to make California an abortion sanctuary and pander to the most left factions of his party. He “has publicly urged voters to approve an initiative on Tuesday’s ballot to amend the state constitution to guarantee abortion rights,” reports the Wall Street Journal. He has also purchased billboards in seven states with pro-life laws. The signs read, “Need an abortion? California is ready to help.” He even implied providing abortion to women equated to fulling Jesus’s command to love our neighbor. The California Family Council responded with a video telling Newsom that unborn babies are our neighbors.  

Archbishop Cordileone voiced his concern that with Prop 1 and Newsom’s advertisements, California could become a “specialty state for late-term abortion.” He notes that it’s difficult to find clinics that will perform late-term abortions in many states, but with this new amendment, California could “set up clinics specializing in late-term abortions and bring women here for that.” To make matters worse, these abortions would be performed with taxpayer dollars. 

To prove Cordileone’s point, DuPont Abortion Clinic just announced plans to come to California next year to do “all-trimester” abortions presumably with the prospect of California passing Proposition 1.

Human life is inherently valuable and worthy of legislative protection from conception through natural death. While many on the left reject this biblical standard, polls indicate that most Californians want abortion limited before birth, meaning this proposition would not honor the will of the people.

To allow abortions up to birth for any reason is disgusting and barbaric. Vote NO to Prop 1 tomorrow and urge your friends and family to do the same.



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