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Future of Abortion Council Legislation Threatens California’s Future

Tragically, efforts to turn California into an “abortion sanctuary” are rapidly advancing. The so-called “California Future of Abortion Council” was convened by Governor Gavin Newsom last year in preparation for the potential overturning of Roe v. Wade. So far, three abortion bills sponsored by the group have already been signed by Newsom, with 13 others sitting on his desk, all to the detriment of the state’s future. 

“California is already hostile to unborn children and their mothers,” said Jonathan Keller, president of California Family Council, which opposes all 16 bills. “If Gavin Newsom signs this legislative package, our state will become an even more extreme outlier, not only compared to the rest of the nation, but the entire world.”

“Through this budgetary bait-and-switch, Sacramento legislators are funneling millions of taxpayer dollars to fund out-of-state abortions,” Keller continued. “It’s neither fiscally responsible nor pro-woman since the state only offers to pay for abortion, not prenatal care or adoption.”

“California policymakers continue prioritizing abortion over adoption and parenting,” Keller stated. “Sacramento only offers these financial incentives to out-of-state women on the condition they end their pregnancies. These policies are not pro-choice.”

“It’s shameful that Newsom’s abortion providers and promoters use the word ‘future’ in the title of their organization,” Keller continued. “How long can a state thrive or survive when it spends so much of its resources incentivizing the elimination of future generations? Our government officials should encourage the creation of families if we expect a promising future. Instead, by celebrating, promoting, and funding abortion at every turn, we are slowly committing suicide.”



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