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California Hospitals Found to be Performing “Transition” Surgeries on Minors

Recently, Libs of TikTok exposed the Boston Children’s Hospital for performing gender “transition” procedures on children. The hospital quickly removed evidence from its website while the leftist media ran stories to cover for them, twisting the narrative to present the rightful criticism of the hospital as “harassment” fueled by misinformation from “right-wing” groups. Facebook even suspended Libs of TikTok without an explanation.

Despite the left’s many attempts to dispose of the evidence, it is indisputably true that Boston Children’s Hospital, and several other clinics, including several in California, have performed “transition” surgeries on minors.

The Journal of Clinical Medicine published a peer-reviewed study this March based on 204 transition surgeries performed by Center for Gender Surgery (CfGS) at Boston Children’s Hospital. A third of those patients were under the age of 18. The researchers claimed that CfGS “was the first pediatric center in the United States to offer gender-affirming chest surgeries for individuals over 15-years-old and genital surgeries for those over 17 years of age.”

Unfortunately, Boston Children’s Hospital isn’t the only medical facility taking part in child abuse. According to research conducted by The Washington Stand, at least 13 U.S. hospitals perform gender transition surgeries on minors. 

The University of California San Francisco Gender Affirming Health Program proudly touts their “multidisciplinary program consisting of experts in transgender medicine and surgery at UCSF Medical Center.” Their website in several spots admits they do transition surgeries on teens younger than 18. On a webpage titled, “Surgery referral assessment requirements,” the gender clinic admits it does transitioning surgeries on minors when it requires a referal letter from a doctor that states, “If under 18, statement that the patient meets WPATH criteria for surgery in adolescents.”

The UCSF transgender care website then admits that “genital surgery is being performed on a case-by-case basis more frequently in minors” in a section titled, “Surgical interventions for transgender youth.”

The Los Angeles Children’s Hospital is also doing double mastectomies on minor teens. The hospital’s Center for Transyouth Health and Development recently facilitated a study on girls who were being treated at the hospital for gender dysphoria. In a report titled, “Chest Reconstruction and Chest Dysphoria in Transmasculine Minors and Young Adults,” there is a chart that shows 33 girls under 18 that had their health breast removed with the youngest two girls only 13 years old. 

The UCLA Gender Health Program’s pediatric practice offers “puberty suppression therapy” and “hormone replacement therapy” to children. Plus, at the bottom of the page is a bolded section titled “Gender Affirmation Surgery,” which states the following: “At UCLA, we understand that gender-affirming surgical procedures can be an important step in a young person’s transitioning process. Our UCLA Gender Health Program team offers a wide array of procedures. Most surgical procedures are not recommended until adulthood.” That last line is admission that some “gender-affirming surgical procedures,” are being recommended for minors.   

The Gender Clinic at Stanford Medicine Children’s Health in Palo Alto is also providing “transition” surgery to “adolescents and young adults,” although the website doesn’t say what age the teenagers are. They also encourage surgical transitioning by asserting that “everyone deserves to have their physical body reflect their gender identity.” On top of this, the Medical Director of the Stanford Pediatric and Adolescent Gender Clinic, Dr. Tandy Aye, has a Tedx speech highlighted on the gender clinic’s resource page advocating for gender transitioning surgeries for minors. (Watch the video here.) 

These hospitals are among 60 “clinical care programs” that promote gender transitions “for transgender and gender-expansive youth,” according to the Human Rights Campaign.

The procedures they promote include “top” surgeries, which attempt to reshape a person’s chest to appear as the opposite gender, “bottom” surgeries, which remove genitals and sterilize a person, and cross-sex hormone therapy. Each of these procedures cause irreversible damage instead of giving children the true physical and mental health care they need. 

Children cannot yet fully comprehend the consequences of their actions, and it is a grave injustice to allow them to undergo a procedure which strips them of their right to procreate. Further, studies show that young women who undergo a sex-change are likely to regret it later in life. In fact, 61-98% of children with gender dysphoria would eventually outgrow the confusion and end up reidentifying with their biological sex as long as they aren’t transitioned as youth. Once they undergo the harms of chemical and genital mutilation, it becomes much harder to go back. 

The most compassionate and rational approach to helping children with gender dysphoria is to tell them the truth about their God-given sex, and provide the support and counseling needed to deal with underlying issues causing the dysphoria. Reaffirming lies minors believe about themselves and their bodies hurts them in the long run. Parents, legislators, and religious leaders must confront our medical institutions for participation in this child abuse. 



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