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Abortion Industry and Politicians Continue their Push to Make California the Nation’s Abortion Hub

To hedge against the US Supreme Court’s potential decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, California’s abortion industry and its political allies are doubling down on their efforts to make the state an abortion hub for the nation.

Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, the abortion group’s largest California location, bought more property in West Oakland, where it plans to strategically place a clinic near a transit station. 

Planned Parenthood was also approved for a $3 million grant from Santa Clara County to expand services. Further, Planned Parenthood Los Angeles is working with UCLA’s law school to build a new training center that will focus on law and policy pertaining to abortion.

California policymakers are working harder than ever to make the state an “abortion sanctuary.” “People from across the country are already looking to California as a haven state, as a beacon to provide them the care they need,” said Jodi Hicks, President and CEO of Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California. “It is our moral imperative that we continue to provide the leadership that people are looking for.”

To make matters worse, California lawmakers are also working to pass over a dozen pro-abortion bills. Assembly Bill 2223 codifies abortion through all nine months of pregnancy and decriminalizes killing newborns days or even weeks after birth. It would protect a mother from criminal charges for any “actions or omissions” related to her pregnancy. This includes “miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion, or perinatal death.” Perinatal death pertains to babies seven days or older. The bill has passed in committee and is creeping closer to becoming a law. 

Immediately following the leak of the Dobbs draft, Gov. Newsom announced that state lawmakers would work to pass an amendment to the California state constitution that would establish a “right” to abortion. Then last week the Newsom announced an funding package that includes $125 million to further bolster California’s abortion industry infrastructure and proposed incentives for businesses to relocate to California from states with pro-life laws and laws he perceives as anti-LGBTQ+.

Another abhorrent proposal, Senate Bill 1142, offers California tax dollars to residents from other states to travel to California to obtain abortions. It covers “airfare, lodging, ground transportation, gas money, meals, dependent childcare, doula support, and translation services, to help a person access and obtain an abortion.”  

To even further expand abortion access, Senate Bill 1375 allows nurses to perform abortions without the supervision of a doctor. Once again, lawmakers are prioritizing ideology over women’s health and safety.

Lastly, California policymakers have proposed a bill, AB 1666, offering civil protections to abortion patients and providers.

It’s clear that California Democrats will stop at nothing to protect their ability to murder children in the womb. The good news is that the end of Roe v. Wade is in sight and the tide is finally turning against abortion. However, pro-life activism is still as important as ever. Californians still need to make their voices heard and stand firm against these ungodly proposals. Regardless of the political landscape or status of abortion access, the unborn desperately need a voice in California, and it is the duty of every Jesus follower to give them one.



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