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San Diego Board of Supervisors to Vote on Ordinance that Redefines ‘Women and Girls’ to Include Men and Boys

Instead of protecting the rights of women and girls, tomorrow, April 26, the San Diego Board of Supervisors will be voting on a radical ordinance that will take opportunities away from women and girls, while also putting them at risk. This ordinance will redefine ‘women and girls’ to include men and boys. 

This will create in the County of San Diego a local implementation of the United Nations Convention of the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). Here you can find a critique of the United Nations CEDAW, which explains how CEDAW undermines the family, religion, and sovereignty foundations of society. The San Diego County version of CEDAW goes one step further by redefining the definition of “women and girls.”  

The ordinance states that  “women and girls” shall mean those who identify as women and girls, and shall include transgender women [biological men], gender-nonconforming women [men], youth, and girls [boys], and those assigned female at birth, which includes Transgender Men and Intersex communities.” This means a trans-identifying man, or any biological man who has chosen to identify as a female will be included in the definition of ‘women and girls’. 

While this ordinance claims to be done in order to eliminate discrimination against women and to protect women, it does quite the opposite. 

According to the ordinance “the County shall take appropriate and timely measures to ensure domestic violence shelters and transitional housing options are accessible regardless of parental and familial status.” Biological women and girls who are in domestic violence shelters for protection, because of this ordinance, may have to live in tight personal spaces in the shelter with biological men, all while the women and girls are trying to heal both physically and mentally from abuse committed by men.

This ordinance will also mandate that biological men and boys in San Diego County will have full access to girls’ and women’s sports, girls’ locker rooms, and women’s prisons. How does this protect women and girls?

If passed tomorrow, this ordinance will take effect thirty days after its passage. 

This ordinance will only put women and girls in vulnerable positions, and dangerous situations. 

To get involved: “TAKE ACTION! STOP Radical New SD County Ordinance to Redefine Definition of Women and Girls”



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