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Assembly Judiciary Committee Approves Infanticide Bill, But the Fight Is Just Beginning

Despite overwhelming public opposition, California’s Assembly Judiciary Committee voted 7-2 along party lines to pass AB 2223 Tuesday morning. (Watch the 19 min. hearing)

This deadly bill doesn’t merely codify the right to kill unborn children throughout all nine months of pregnancy. It would even decriminalize “perinatal death,” opening the door to killing newborn children days or even weeks after birth.

AB 2223 would shield a mother from civil and criminal charges for any “actions or omissions” related to her pregnancy, “including miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion, or perinatal death.” Perinatal death is a medical phrase that includes the time weeks before and after birth.

Inside the hearing room on April 5, pro-life citizens outnumbered abortion supporters by over 20-to-1. On the phones, the ratio of call-in comments was even more lopsided. But despite dozens of opponents still waiting on hold and hundreds more unable to call in due to overloaded lines, Committee Chairman Mark Stone cut off debate after 30 minutes of opposition testimony. 

The effort to legalize infanticide now moves to the Assembly Health Committee, with a hearing as early as April 19. 

However, opponents of AB 2223 are only increasing their advocacy against this bill. California Family Council is joining our friends at Real Impact and Capitol Resource Institute to host a Pro-Life Lobby Day on Tuesday, April 19. Pastor Jack Hibbs from Calvary Chapel Chino Hills will also keynote a special press conference featuring faith leaders from across the state.

“AB 2223 is the deadliest bill ever introduced in the California legislature. Assemblymember Buffy Wicks claims her bill isn’t about infanticide, but even the Democratic staff of the Judiciary Committee warned the bill could legalize the ‘death of a newborn for any reason.’”

All pro-life Californians are encouraged to join CFC and our allied organizations at the Capitol on Tuesday, April 19. Registration is required to guarantee a seat for our training.

Find out details and Register Here.

After a morning of training, we will head over to the Capitol to gain hands-on experience in lobbying. Please join citizens from across the state as we alert legislators to the dangers of AB 2223 and why lawmakers should oppose this lethal measure.




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