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Why We March

This week, Greg Burt and I are representing California Family Council at the National March for Life in Washington, DC. The Golden State will be an epicenter of the abortion battle in the coming months, and CFC is gearing up for the fight!

If you’re on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or another social media platform, you may have seen the hashtag #WhyWeMarch trending. I’ve been encouraged to see the stories of thousands of pro-life Americans from across our nation, boldly proclaiming the need to protect human life from conception to natural death.

Greg and I recorded the following live video from the National Mall on Friday, January 21. Together, we announced some exciting news about the 2022 California March for Life in Sacramento!

There were hundreds of local, state, and national organizations represented in DC today. Check out this incredible video from our friends at Students for Life:

I hope you’ll share this post with your friends and family. And be sure to mark your calendar for June 22 (06/22/22) to join us in Sacramento for the 2022 California March for Life!



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