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Why are Californians Leaving?

During the pandemic, the population of blue states significantly decreased while that of red states increased. Unsurprisingly, progressive policies burden families economically and socially, as people are beginning to realize. The state of California, in particular, has been the poster child for this phenomenon. Over 360,000 residents left the state during 2020 and 2021. People have also stopped moving to the state. Researchers noted a 25% to 45% decrease in migration in all areas of the state. Between tyrannical COVID mandates, Critical Race Theory (CRT), LGBT propaganda, housing prices, and stifling taxation, Californians are fed up, and the state won’t be able to survive in the long run if these harmful policies continue.

California implemented some of the strictest COVID mandates in the country, which even catalyzed an effort to oust Gov. Newsom. Not only are many workers in the state required to get both doses of the vaccine, Newsom also recently implemented a booster mandate for healthcare workers, and is likely to expand it to other industries. Even private employers are subject to a number of tedious COVID protocols. Further, the state added the COVID vaccine to the list of injections K-12 students are required to receive in order to attend school. Regardless of vaccination status, all Californians are currently required to wear masks at indoor public places. Needless to say, California is a hostile place for people who simply want to make their own healthcare decisions for themselves and their children without government interference.

Parents are also rightfully frustrated with public schools in the state. Several districts have incorporated CRT into their curriculum while hiding it from parents. In addition, the California Department of Education recently voted to implement an ethnic studies curriculum founded on CRT. In October, Gov. Newsom signed a law requiring all California students to take an ethnic studies course in order to graduate high school, meaning all students will be taught to view each other in terms of race and varying levels of marginalization.

Not only are students being indoctrinated with racist ideas, but they are also being exposed to a harmful LGBTQ ideology. The California Teachers Association (CTA) held a conference instructing teachers to teach children about the gender spectrum and even recruit students for LGBTQ clubs, while subverting parents and hiding information from them. Moreover, teachers are required to discuss gender identity and the correctness of an LGBTQ worldview during sex-ed classes. California public schools are no longer healthy places for children, and parents are wise to protect their children by seeking alternative schooling options.

In addition to fighting against government overreach and activist teachers, many parents are also struggling just to pay their bills. “California is the capital of homelessness and poverty, suffocating gas and income tax rates, and the highest number of residents picking up and moving to more affordable and welcoming states,” said GOP party chairwoman Jessica Millan Patterson. California boasts the highest income tax rate, the highest gas prices, and some of the highest housing prices in the country. One-third of California households struggle to pay for things like food, healthcare, taxes, rent, and childcare. This is because of policies that harm the economy and ultimately hurt families.

Californians are tired of watching their rights be stripped from them. Government leaders have disregarded religious freedom and conscience rights while implementing COVID mandates and teachers have undermined parental rights by indoctrinating students against parents’ wishes.

If these trends continue, the future of the state will be abysmal. Families will continue to flee out of both desire and necessity as poverty, lawless policies, and progressive ideology continues to overrun the state. Our government was meant to be by the people and for the people – it’s time we restore that principle.



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