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The First Annual California March for Life Set for Today – Hundreds Expected

The California Family Council is honored to partner with the national March for Life from Washington, DC to organize the first official California March for Life on August 25 at the state Capitol. For the past four decades, March for Life has held an event in Washington D.C. to protest the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision that mandated abortion on the rest of the country. Dubbed the largest human rights demonstration in the world, the national March draws over 100,000 people each January. 

California is one of three states this year where the March for Life is sponsoring marches at state Capitols. The other state marches in Virginia and Pennsylvania are scheduled for next month. The California March for Life starts at 11:00 AM with a rally on the south steps of the Capitol followed by a march around the Capitol grounds at 12:00 PM. Featured speakers include state legislators, pro-life advocates and local pastors. (See below for a detailed list of speakers.)

The emcee for the rally, California Family Council President Jonathan Keller, said, “California claims to be the epicenter of the ‘progressive’ agenda but when it comes to treating every human life with dignity and respect our Golden State has a tarnished record. That’s why CFC is thrilled to partner with our friends at the national March for Life to host a peaceful gathering on August 25 on the steps of the Capitol. We invite all people to join us in celebrating God’s gift of life from conception to its natural end. Let us all recommit ourselves to liberty and justice for all – born and unborn.”

President of March for Life Education and Defense Fund Jeanne Mancini will also be speaking, giving specific attention to opposing SB 245, a bill before the state legislature requiring all California insurance plans to cover abortion for free. 

“The March is an opportunity for California pro-lifers to unite and encourage state legislators to craft policies that respect the rights of the unborn. Every human life has dignity, and our laws must reflect that,”  she said. “An important goal of the California March for Life is to raise awareness and rally pro-life Californians to stand up against Senate Bill 245 – a bill that would force all private insurance companies to pay for abortion with no deductibles or co-pays, regardless of whether they object. This bill threatens pro-life Californians and anyone of goodwill who does not wish to fund the taking of innocent life.”

Event Time and Date: 

  • Wednesday, August 25, 2021
  • Rally starts at 11 AM
  • The March around the Capitol grounds will begin at 12 noon. 

Speakers Include: 

  • California Family Council President Jonathan Keller 
  • March for Life President Jeanne Mancini
  • Senator Shannon Grove
  • Senator Brian Jones
  • Assemblyman James Gallagher
  • Students for Life Northern California Regional Coordinator ​​Lea Kalinowski
  • Destiny Christian Church Pastor Greg Fairrington
  • Pro-Life San Francisco Executive Director Kristin Turner
  • California Alliance of Pregnancy Care Executive Director Allison Martinez 
  • Right to Life Central California Executive Director John Gerardi
  • Destiny Christian Church Pastor Rachel Storment singing the National Anthem
  • Right to Life Kern County Executive Director Marylee Shrider will lead the Pledge of Allegiance

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