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State Funding for LGBT Cultural Competency Exposes Government Priorities

California Governor Gavin Newsom has approved $3 million in state funds for “LBGTQ Cultural Competency” training for public school teachers. With this budget item, California, a state with public schools that regularly rank near the bottom in our union, has made it clear that the state government is more concerned with injecting LGBT-driven policy items into public schools – not correcting real deficiencies in education outcomes.

This should not come as a surprise to those who have been paying attention to the unsettling direction in which the state has been headed. When children go to taxpayer-funded schools, they should be free of any sort of political ideology being imposed upon them. Make no mistake – an allotment of funds to create a curriculum that is more “supportive” of LBGTQ students is undoubtedly political indoctrination.

These funds supposedly help educators identify LBGTQ youth then direct them to proper counseling services. This begs the question: how exactly are adults supposed to discern the sexual identity of five- and six-year-olds? Is that even appropriate? The answer is no.

Most rational parents want their children to go to school to learn, not to grapple with their sexual identity, but the intense LGBTG programming from the entertainment industry along with this political indoctrination imposes these wholly inappropriate questions on children at a young age.

The left continues to push for this sexualization our children, indoctrinating them at an early age with explicit material. The threatening video from the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus is just one of the latest examples. The chorus sang, “We’ll convert your children, we’ll teach them not to hate. We are coming for them. We are coming for your children.” Their agenda is blatantly obvious.

This all comes down to control.

They are trying to control the way we and our children speak, but the recent victory in Taking Offense v. California gives us hope. Taking Offense overturned a provision in the LBGT Long-Term Care Facility Residents’ Bill of Rights in which workers could have been criminally culpable if they did not use a patient’s preferred pronoun or name.

Because the radical left realizes that fully mature adults are not under their complete control, they want to condition our children as early as possible.

As the left is pushing this radical, sexualizing indoctrination, parents of good conscience need to fight back as fiercely as they can. Whether that be pulling their children from public schools and sending them elsewhere or lobbying against this type of agenda, Californians cannot sit idly by as the left tries to inculcate children with an LGBT focused ideology.



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