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Failed Recall Highlights Importance of CFC Engagement

Many California families are frustrated and disappointed with the results of Tuesday’s recall election, and that is completely understandable.

It is extraordinarily difficult to understand how a governor who excessively and illegally shuttered the doors of churches while keeping strip clubs open seemingly avoided accountability at the ballot box. And parents are asking why a governor who ordered strict mask mandates and lockdowns while personally flouting his own rules would be kept in office.

As governor, Newsom increased funding to Planned Parenthood and other abortion groups, approved a law requiring public universities to provide chemical abortions to students within campus health centers, and signed a proclamation inviting women to California for abortions after several states began passing pro-life laws.

He approved $3 million in state funds for “LBGTQ Cultural Competency” training for public school teachers and made it clear that he is more concerned with injecting LGBT-driven policy items into public schools than correcting real deficiencies in education outcomes.

Simply put, this governor has attacked Life, Family, and Liberty for every Californian.

But this makes our work at CFC that much more important.

The fact that we even had a recall election in the first place is historic.

Californians are clearly riled up – and that’s good.

Even though California families have been put through the ringer the past few years, the Newsom recall fight shows us that Californians are awake and ready to fight for change. We saw this at the Capitol on August 25th when CFC joined with national allies to host the first-ever California March for Life should embolden each of us.

For too long, many citizens privately disagreed with the radical anti-family policies plaguing our beautiful state, but did not feel compelled to step in and get involved.

Now, families understand that there is a choice to be made: get involved, or lose California forever.

We love this state, and for good reason. God made it an incredibly beautiful place. Many of us have not only our immediate families, but our parents, aunts, and uncles, and nieces and nephews here as well.

Even though millions of Californians are frustrated by the results of the recall election, do not let this push you back towards the sidelines.

No matter who is in office, CFC is doubling down on our efforts to protect the family. There is still so much left to fight for! We cannot throw in the towel. 

If you are disappointed, upset, or even angry, channel those emotions into doing something productive to help in the fight for our families and our communities.

Our work to restore Life, Family, and Liberty in California is at a crucial point. We can choose to build off of the momentum we now have and continue pushing for change, or we can give up.

CFC chooses to build. We hope you’ll join us.



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