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Wake Up: What’s Next in the COVID Fight

There is SO MUCH going on in California, from draconian lockdowns that permanently shuttered businesses, to mask mandates for our children at school, to the implementation of vaccine passports, to a fiery recall election that is neck-and-neck. 

It would be easy to miss the latest stage in the fight against COVID-19: the battle for our parental rights over our kids.

Of course, California has already become ground zero for this fight, as the Culver City Unified School District in Los Angeles announced that all students 12 and older will need to be vaccinated to attend school.

In a letter to families, Quoc Tran, the district’s superintendent, warns that they “will begin gathering vaccine status data immediately” and that children have until November 19th to prove they are fully vaccinated. There is no alternative offered for students, and there is no language encouraging parents to reach out if they have questions or concerns.

Instead, the superintendent leaves parents with just this:

“Thank you for your continued cooperation.”

Cooperation. Otherwise known as coercion.

Our children are being used as pawns by the power-hungry political elite in California, threatening families with the loss of their children’s education if they are hesitant about giving their children the vaccine.

But can you see that this is much bigger than COVID-19?

The radical left is using COVID-19 as their launching pad for stripping parents of authority over their children and replacing them with state institutions.

Culver City is simply coercing families at this stage, which is blatantly unethical, especially given that we do not know the long-term impact of the vaccine in children. But we are already seeing the fruits of the deeply disturbing anti-parental rights contingent in places like Washington D.C., where the City Council passed a law that allows minors to get vaccinated at school without their parents’ knowledge, even if those parents filed for an exemption.

Increasingly, it seems parental rights mean nothing to the radical left.

This fight is already here in California. We can acknowledge COVID-19 as a serious public health issue while confronting the fact that another threat is lurking at the door. The radical left wants the government and all state institutions to be the ultimate authority over each of our lives – especially our children.

This past year, the radical left has revealed its true belief about parental rights: they are subordinate to the state. Social justice activist educators in California, part of this cabal, are pushing to indoctrinate our children with Critical Race Theory and LGBT propaganda against the wishes of many parents. They want our children uniformly in masks to help build compliance. They want our teenagers to have not only the right but the desire to make consequential medical decisions behind their “ignorant” parents’ backs, as Joy Behar made clear.

In short, they want to weaken the bonds of the family.

And they do this by desecrating parental rights.

California Family Council will continue to serve as your eyes and ears at the Capitol in Sacramento and in classrooms across the state. Thank you for standing with us in faithful prayer and financial partnership as we fight back against these threats to Life, Family, and Liberty. 



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