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California’s Anti-Science Crusade

COVID-19 first emerged on American shores in January 2020. Though some counties have kept lower case rates and minimized local government’s intrusion, most Californians have been struggling with crippling economic shutdowns for the better part of a year now. Many of our residents have faced the temporary or permanent closure of their business, the loss of a job, and in some cases, the loss of their home.

From Dr. Fauci to Gavin Newsom, these lockdowns and closures were justified as a “sad but necessary” reality. Besides, as Newsom said, “we’re going to continue to follow the science.”

Governor Newsom, who popularized the aforementioned phrase in the pandemic era, was quick to abandon it last week when news surfaced that the recall efforts against him were gaining momentum. Out of nowhere, and amidst California’s highest COVID levels, Mr. Newsom quickly lifted all statewide stay-at-home orders and curfews – seemingly in conflict with the “scientific data” that justified the stay-at-home orders to begin with. Of course, that data remains sealed.

And yet, Governor Newsom has been adamant about how science, not politics, should dictate our paths.

Frankly, Gavin does have a point. In many cases, science should dictate our policies. 

That’s why CFC opposes the growing effort to normalize transgender ideologies, which entirely abandon the science of biology. Its why CFC opposes efforts to protect abortion, a procedure that we know to cause pain to an innocent child, because we can visually observe it in an ultrasound. Its why CFC opposes placing children in same-sex parent families that social science data says makes them more likely to be incarcerated and more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety. 

We believe God has a lot to say about Life, Family, and Liberty. But CFC’s positions on these issues aren’t just informed by faith and scripture. They’re also backed up by thousands of years of data and precedent – as some would say, “science.” This information tells us a lot about what a healthy culture looks like, and, if we choose to see it, the data gives very clear directions on many very sensitive policy questions.

Sadly, many of California’s government officials – including Governor Newsom – have shown almost no interest in using real, objective science to chart a course for the state. We should all pray this foolishness stops soon.

Science is on the side of life. Science is on the side of natural marriage. Science is on the side of intact families. 

Ultimately, science is a valuable tool. We should use it to understand our world and promote human flourishing for all people – not merely to justify the latest trends in political activism.

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