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Kamala Harris Conspired with Planned Parenthood as CA AG to Prosecute David Daleiden

David Daleiden, president of the Center for Medical Progress filed a lawsuit on the 13th of this month against United States Senator Kamala Harris, and other prominent California politicians. Harris was a high profile candidate for the 2020 Democratic Presidential Primaries, and it is rumored that Democratic Presidential Candidate Joe Biden is considering picking Harris for his vice presidential running-mate in the 2020 election.

Additionally, the lawsuit is suing state Attorney General Xavier Becerra, along with Planned Parenthood, for an alleged “brazen, unprecedented, and ongoing conspiracy,” to violate Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress’ First and Fourteenth Amendment civil rights, according to a Center for Medical Progress press release.

“The California Attorney General first admitted that they are enforcing the video recording law solely based on how they feel about the message being published, and then further admitted they are not even trying to follow the text of the law as written,” Daleiden said in a statement to the Daily Caller News Foundation

“CMP’s undercover reporting has been corroborated by the successful prosecution of fetal body parts sales we reported in southern California, multiple Congressional investigations, and forensic video analysis,” Daleiden added. “It is every reporter’s First Amendment right to underscore the gravity of their findings, especially when the politically powerful disagree with them.”

The lawsuit states that Harris, as former attorney general and current Attorney General Becerra manipulated state video-recording laws as a “political weapon” to silence the free speech rights of people like David Daleiden, whom they disagreed with.

You will recall that back when Kamala Harris was California Attorney General, California Family Council reported that documents uncovered by Operation Rescue revealed that on March 8, 2016, Jill Habig, Special Counsel to then Attorney General Kamala Harris was sent a draft of proposed amendments to California’s existing recording laws. The proposed changes were sent by none other than Beth Parker, Chief Legal Counsel to Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California.

The proposed changes to then existing law included making it illegal to secretly record health care providers and mandated that anyone who “aids, agrees with, employs, or conspires with any person or persons to unlawfully do, permit, or cause to be done” any secret recordings would face fines of $2,500 per occurrence and imprisonment not exceeding one year, if convicted.

The proposed amendments were obviously targeting David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt. Daleiden and Meritt are two citizen journalists with the Center for Medical Progress who are responsible for the infamous expose videos showcasing time and time again the callous attitude with which Planned Parenthood views the sanctity and dignity of human life.

CMP first received national attention when they released videos of Planned Parenthood employees harvesting and selling fetal limbs and organs. Back in April of 2017, California Family Council reported on the latest sting video released by CMP at that time in which the former medical director for Planned Parenthood Action of Arizona famously joked about “needing to hit the gym” in order to have the strength required to perform a D&E (dilation and evacuation) abortion. A dilation and evacuation abortion is literally the ripping apart of a baby in the mother’s womb.

Naturally Planned Parenthood wasn’t pleased about their secrets getting out, and thus worked with then Attoney Kamala Harris to amend existing law so that pro life activists like David Daleiden would be forced to stop their investigations or face serious fines and possible prison time.

On March 28th, 2017 David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt, undercover journalists from the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) were slapped by California Attorney General Xavier Becerra with 15 felony charges for their videos exposing Planned Parenthood as an organization with questionable and potentially criminal activity.

Daleiden and Sandra Merritt are still facing the felony charges, which would lead to possible jail time and fines if convicted. 

Records show that Xavier Becerra and Kamala Harris both received donations from Planned Parenthood for their political campaigns.



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