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Amazon Under Fire for Selling T-Shirts with Slogan, “Let’s Make Down Syndrome Extinct”

Amazon has recently come under fire after two mothers from England spotted t-shirts on the online shopping platform that contained the slogan, “Let’s Make Down Syndrome Extinct.” The two mothers who discovered the t-shirts filed a complaint against Amazon, accusing them of promoting a hate-crime on the world’s largest online retail website. 

According to the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children, a “Scottish mother, who has a six-year old son with Down’s syndrome, has slammed Amazon for selling t-shirts which read, ‘let’s make down syndrome extinct.’ She said: “To target a group who are disabled is just disgusting.”

Stacey Corrigan, aged 34 from Paisley has a six year old son with Down’s syndrome named Daniel. Ms Corrigan slammed the t-shirt slogan as “hateful” and “disgusting”, asserting that it should be treated as a crime.

She said: “I can’t believe they have been allowed to sell this. Who even thinks up an idea to design this? Daniel is just perfect to us and we wouldn’t change a thing about him.

“They wouldn’t be able to write homophobic slogans or racists ones. It is so hateful and should be a crime. To target a group who are disabled is just disgusting and I am horrified Amazon gave them a platform to share their hate.””

The t-shirts have since been removed from Amazon, and the world’s largest online retailer still has not commented on the situation. 

No child diagnosed with potentially having Down Syndrome deserves to be killed simply because they are unwanted for being diagnosed as potentially “abnormal,” and calling for these children’s extinction is utterly vile.

Every life has value no matter the circumstances or stage. Choosing to have a life-ending abortion because of your child being given a potential Down Syndrome diagnosis is not beneficial, kind, or humane – it’s heartbreaking. The violence of an abortion is never the solution.



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