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AG Becerra Urges Trump Administration to Allow Fetal Tissue Research, Claiming it Could Help Find A Cure for COVID-19

Last Wednesday, the Department of Health and Human Services restricted the use of federal funds for research using fetal tissue from abortions.

Wasting no time in response, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, along with 15 other Attorneys General, sent a letter on Thursday to President Trump and the Department of Health and Human Services, urging the administration to end the ban on federal funds for research using fetal tissue from abortions. 

Becerra and the Attorneys say that the ban is getting in the way of scientists discovering a vaccine for COVID-19.

“As we work together to combat the unprecedented threat of the COVID-19 pandemic, developing a vaccine and therapeutic treatments for the virus has to be a top priority,” said Attorney General Becerra. “In order to achieve this important goal, we need to make sure that scientists and medical professionals have access to the research and resources necessary to protect the population and safeguard the most vulnerable among us, including pregnant women and children.”    

However, Becerra is simply attempting to leverage the deadly Coronavirus to accomplish his political agenda. 

As California Family Council noted:

Research conducted using fetal tissue remains from abortion is unethical. It’s antiquated. 

Leaving newborns to die is horrible, but letting scientists pick through their bodies for parts is an even larger affront to human dignity. 

Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-Wash) said last year, “Treating these tiny humans like a junkyard, where groups like Planned Parenthood can scavenge for parts, is hardly the retail business anyone should want to hang a shingle over. And yet Americans continue to be unwilling investors in the organization and their taxpayer-funded Frankenstein.

And as the House select panel pointed out last year, “Human fetal tissue research is an outdated and unproductive area of research that does not make a strong impact on the field. In over 100 years of unrestricted investigation, human fetal tissue research has had ample time to prove useful, yet it has failed to do so. Fetal tissue HAS NOT produced a single medical treatment.”

The move by the Department of Health and Human Services is a step in the right direction – what Becerra is arguing in favor of – is not. 



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