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Lives Saved Outside of California Abortion Clinics

For the past five weeks, pro-life Californians have been saving babies’ lives outside of 52 abortion clinics all over the state by praying, holding prolife signs, and offering help to mothers in crisis as part of a worldwide event called 40 Days for Life.

California Family Council’s Director of Capitol Engagement Greg Burt was outside a Sacramento abortion business this week talking with 40 Days for Life leader Wynette Sills, who reported saving five babies from abortion just last week.

California Family Council Director of Capitol Engagement Greg Burt interviews Wynette Sills, Director of Californians for Life, outside of a Sacramento abortion clinic as she explains how babies’ lives are being saved from abortion because of the 40 Days for Life Campaign.

“Close to 3000 babies are killed every day and largely it goes unnoticed by the Christian Community,” Wynette explains. She encourages other Christians to give attendance at a 40 Days for Life event a try. “The most important contribution you can make is come and pray. I think anyone can pray,” she said.

Wynette is a 16-year sidewalk-counseling veteran and also the Director of Californians for Life. Next week is the last week to participate in this fall’s 40 Days for Life campaign which concludes on November 1.

Find a California campaign near you at, then click on the “Location” tab at the top of the page. Sign up today and participate in saving lives.



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