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Peer Influence Causing Drastic Increase in Girls Who Think They are Boys, New Book Reports

A new social phenomenon is emerging among females friends in college, high school, and even middle school. An alarming number of these young ladies are announcing, out of the blue, that they are transgender and want sterilizing transition treatments like testosterone shots, double mastectomies, and eventually reassignment surgeries. The recently released book, “Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters” by Abigail Shrier, details this horrifying trend.

Even the California legislature has jumped on the bandwagon and is considering AB 2218, a bill to publicly fund these dangerous treatments by setting up a “Transgender Wellness Fund.” The bill already received approval from the state Assembly with little debate and is now in the hands of the Senate Health Committee with a hearing expected in the next several weeks.

Here are some shocking statistics about this trend from Shrier’s book.  

  • “In 2016, natal females accounted for 46 percent of all sex reassignment surgeries in the United States. A year later, it was 70 percent.” (pg. 33)
  • “In 2007, there was one gender clinic in the United States. Today, there are well over fifty; Planned Parenthood, Kaiser, and Mayo all disburse testosterone, too. Many do so on a first visit, on an ‘informed consent’ basis; no referral or therapy required. The age of medical consent varies by state. In Oregon, it is fifteen.” (pg. 167)
  • “Several studies indicate that nearly 70 percent of kids who experience childhood gender dysphoria—and are not affirmed or socially transitioned—eventually outgrow it.” (pg. 119)
  • “Over a hundred universities now cover transgender hormones under their health plans, including every Ivy League school. At least eighty-seven colleges and universities cover gender surgery. At Yale, the cost of a course of testosterone for a natal girl under the student health plan is ten dollars a month—less than a standard Netflix subscription.” (pg.156)
  • “One of the alarming aspects of transgender medicine today is that, as doctors have rushed to meet the demand of patients and activists, the standards of care have fallen. In 2012, WPATH altered its standards to permit even minors to receive hormone treatment on the basis of “informed consent,” meaning that neither diagnosis of gender dysphoria nor therapist’s note would be required.” (pg. 178)
  • “Doctors can’t really be that flippant about recommending girls for a double mastectomy, can they? Surely someone who believes in recommending girls as young as thirteen for top surgery—as Dr. Olson-Kennedy does—takes that responsibility quite seriously. (Yes, thirteen-year-old girls can undergo “top surgery” in California.”) (pg. 172)

Action Steps:

Join our “DAY of ACTION” against AB 2218 this Thursday, July 23

1. Please call the district offices of all NINE Senators on the Health Committee this coming Thursday, July 23, and ask them to vote NO on AB 2218. (You can find phone numbers and addresses to these senators’ district offices here.) Do your best to engage the legislative staff in conversation. Educate them about how harmful transgender drugs and surgery are, especially to children. Ask the staff member you talk to for their email address so you can send them the following links: 

2. Try to visit of one of the nine Senate Health Committee district offices on Thursday, July 23rd, and ask to talk to someone about AB 2218. Make sure you bring copies of the information above and a letter of opposition of your own. If no one is in the office then tape the documents to the door. You will find all the Health Committee Senator’s district addresses here. If you don’t live anywhere near one of these senators, then you should visit the office of your own state senator. Find your senator here:

3. Participate in a Twitter Campaign that specifically targets each member of the Senate Health Committee. 

If you have a twitter account, copy and paste each of the tweets below to target all nine Senators. Feel free to personalize the text, but try and use the same hashtags we have created. 

  • Senator Richard Pan @DrPanMD Don’t Sterilize Our Kids. Vote no on #AB2218, a bill that funds sterilizing transgender hormones and surgeries for minors and adults. #DontSterilizeKids #NoOnAB2218
  • Senator Melissa Melendez @senatormelendez Don’t let them sterilize our kids. Vote no on #AB2218, a bill that funds sterilizing transgender hormones and surgeries for minors and adults. #DontSterilizeKids #NoOnAB2218
  • Senator Lena Gonzalez @SenGonzalez_33 Don’t Sterilize Our Kids. Vote no on #AB2218, a bill that funds sterilizing transgender hormones and surgeries for minors and adults. #DontSterilizeKids #NoOnAB2218
  • Senator Connie Leyva @SenatorLeyva Don’t Sterilize Our Kids. Vote no on #AB2218, a bill that funds sterilizing transgender hormones and surgeries for minors and adults. #DontSterilizeKids #NoOnAB2218
  • Senator Bill Monning @billmonning Don’t Sterilize Our Kids. Vote no on #AB2218, a bill that funds sterilizing transgender hormones and surgeries for minors and adults. #DontSterilizeKids #NoOnAB2218
  • Senator Shannon Grove @ShannonGroveCA Don’t let them sterilize our Kids. Vote no on #AB2218, a bill that funds sterilizing transgender hormones and surgeries for minors and adults. #DontSterilizeKids #NoOnAB2218
  • Senator Melissa Hurtado @Senator_Hurtado Don’t Sterilize Our Kids. Vote no on #AB2218, a bill that funds sterilizing transgender hormones and surgeries for minors and adults. #DontSterilizeKids #NoOnAB2218
  • Senator Holly Mitchell @SenHJMitchell Don’t Sterilize Our Kids. Vote no on #AB2218, a bill that funds sterilizing transgender hormones and surgeries for minors and adults. #DontSterilizeKids #NoOnAB2218
  • Senator Susan Rubio @SenSusanRubio Don’t Sterilize Our Kids. Vote no on #AB2218, a bill that funds sterilizing transgender hormones and surgeries for minors and adults. #DontSterilizeKids #NoOnAB2218



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