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Remembering on Memorial Day those Who Paid the Ultimate Price to Protect Freedom

Tomorrow is designated as the day where we honor and mourn the men and women in uniform who have paid the ultimate price and sacrificed in order to preserve freedom and protect the United States of America. It is most appropriate that these brave individuals are honored, and that we create a special holiday for them.

One day is insufficient to truly appreciate all that they have put on the line so that we can enjoy freedom and live in tranquility.

Years were taken. Years apart from their fiancé, or spouse. Apart from their families and children. Years that could never be replaced.

Some lost their best buddies. Some turned around and had a best friend fall lifeless into their arms. Friends were lost, friends that could not be replaced.

Some lost memories of the past. Cherished moments forgotten, relatives and friends now unknown to them. Moments that could not be replaced.

Some gave all. They paid the ultimate sacrifice. Lives given in sacrifice, that could never be replaced.

Freedom is a thing to be cherished.

To the brave men and women, members of the Armed Forces of the United States of America, who paid the ultimate price, we salute you.

You make us proud.

Thank you for your sacrifice. We celebrate and honor your memories.



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