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Texas Appeals Court Upholds Ban on Surgical Abortions Due to Coronavirus

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld a ban on surgical abortions resulting from Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s order banning all non-essential medical procedures during the coronavirus. The ban is designed to save medical resources for patients and health care workers who are in desperate need. 

In a surgical abortion – which Texas has temporarily banned – Dr. Anthony Levatino who himself has performed  over 1,200 abortions detailed what actually happens during a dilation and evacuation (dismemberment) abortion. Dr. Anthony Levatino says,

“The baby has a heartbeat, fingers, toes, arms, and legs, but it’s bones are still weak and fragile. The suction is then turned on, with a force ten to twenty times more powerful than your household vacuum cleaner. The baby is rapidly ton apart by the suction, and squeezed through this tubing down into the suction machine, followed by the placenta. The abortionist uses a curette to scrape the lining of the uterus. A curette is basically a long-handled, curved blade. Once the uterus is empty, the speculum is removed and the abortion is complete.”

According to Lifenews:

This is the second time the appeals court has weighed in on the Texas abortion debate. The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals panel ruled last Tuesday in favor of a state-wide restriction on non-essential medical procedures, including elective abortions, during the coronavirus pandemic. The ruling overturned a decision by U.S. District Judge Lee Yeakel blocking the state from enforcing the restriction on abortion facilities.

Judges Jennifer Walker Elrod and Kyle Duncan, nominated by Bush and President Donald Trump, were in the majority on the ruling to stop surgical abortions, while Judge James Dennis, appointed by former President Bill Clinton, dissented.

However, Planned Parenthood and other Texas abortion facilities fielded a special motion on Wednesday appealing District Judge Yeakel for an exemption from Governor Greer Abbott’s order that would allow them to do drug-inducing abortions. The abortion groups argued that personal protective equipment is not needed to do drug-inducing abortions, and that most women do not experience complications that would require hospitalization. Judge Yeakel gave in to Planned Parenthood and the other abortion groups’ requests. The appeals court did ban surgical abortion, however, the5th Circuit Court of Appeals will still allow abortions to be performed using the abortion pill mifepristone. Abortion advocates say that usage of the abortion pill is harmless to the mother, but accounts from women who have taken the abortion pill certainly have had negative side effects. According to the FDA, at least twenty-four women had even died from complications resulting from taking the abortion pill. Dr. Anthony Levatino, himself a former abortionist details what happens during an abortion resulting from taking the abortion pill:

“At the abortion clinic or doctor’s office, the woman takes pills which contain mifepristone, also called RU 486. RU 486 blocks the action of a hormone called progesterone. When RU 486 blocks progesterone the lining of the mother’s uterus breaks down, cutting off blood and nourishment to the baby, who then dies inside the mother’s womb. Twenty-four to forty-eight hours after taking RU 486, the woman take misoprostol… that is administered either orally or vaginally. RU 486 and misoprostol together cause severe cramping, contractions, and often heavy bleeding to force the dead baby out of the mother’s uterus. The process can be very intense and painful, and the bleeding and contractions can last from a few hours to several days. While she could lose her baby anytime and anywhere during this process, the woman will often sit on a toilet as she prepares to expel the child, which she will then flush.”

Live Action News noted that the number of complications and fatalities is likely much higher than that due to the fact that only about half of the states are required to report complications resulting from RU 486.

Reporting abortion complications is something people don’t often think about — and therefore, when the public hears from the abortion industry claiming medication abortion is “safe,” they may not even question: “Who’s doing the studies that claim this kind of abortion is safe? Who’s funding those studies?” and “Who’s reporting complications when things go wrong?” According to Planned Parenthood’s former research arm, the Guttmacher Institute, as of July 1, 2018, only 27 states require reporting of abortion complications — from anytype of abortion. So who’s keeping track?

That’s the problem. Some states keep track, some don’t. Some abortion providers report, some don’t. And women (and their children) are ultimately the ones paying for it.

Thankfully, there is a way for women who have taken the abortion pill to reverse the affects of the through the Abortion Pill Reversal process.  Since 2007, over 300 women have stopped their abortion from working by means of the abortion pill reversal.



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