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Resources of Hope & Healing for Post-Abortive Women

A survey examining the emotional and psychological affects that having an abortion has on a mother found that, “Over 58% of the women in the survey reported that they had an abortion to make other people happy. Nearly 74% of the women indicated that they received at the very least subtle pressure from others to abort. Roughly 28% revealed they had an abortion for fear of losing their partner at the time. 66% of the women said they knew in their hearts that they were making the wrong decision, while over 67% of the women said that it was the hardest decision of their lives.”

Given statistics like the ones above, it’s no surprise that regret is normal for women who have undergone an abortion, even for those women who thought abortion was okay.

Feelings of sorrow, confusion, grief, anger, and shock are normal after being reminded of a traumatic event, such as an abortion.

Thankfully, there are resources for women who have undergone an abortion. If you are still thinking about an abortion or have questions or doubts about your abortion, there are organizations, pregnancy care centers, websites, and other means of support for you. There are millions of women with stories similar to your own, who have been through what you are experiencing now.



Care Net is a nonprofit organization that empowers women and men considering abortion to choose life for their unborn children. They also have resources for women who have already undergone an abortion. Since 2008, Care Net has saved more than 748,000 babies from abortion.

Care Net has an Abundant Life video series with stories of women just like you who had an abortion. You can watch their stories or even share your own story here

Care Net has a free download containing 5 Steps to Begin Healing from an Abortion.

Care Net has an article entitled, 8 Strategies to Tame Triggers of After Abortion Pain.

Care Net has a local pregnancy center locator tool that is safe, secure and user-friendly. Simply type in your zip code and State and a list of the one’s closest to you will appear in the search results. There are over 1,100 pregnancy centers in their network. 


The Sisters of Life are women who are in love with love, and believe every person is valuable and sacred. That every person is good, loved, and unique; that every person’s life has deep meaning, purpose, and worth.

The Sisters of Life are there to walk with you on your journey of healing via phone at  866-575-0075 and via email at [email protected]. All conversations are confidential. 

The Sisters of Life also host Days of Prayer and Healing, monthly gatherings, and Hope and Healing retreats. The retreats are led by the Sisters of Life and women who have experienced both the suffering of an abortion and joy of healing in Christ. Conference recordings from past Hope and Healing retreats are available online.

The Sisters of Life also have testimonies of hope and stories of healing on their website. 


Abortion Changes You provides a confidential space for those touched by abortion to share their stories. The website was founded by a lady who herself had an abortion at the age of 18, and subsequently went through periods of intense anger, followed by periods of of profound sadness. 

Abortion Changes You has stories submitted by women and family members detailing their abortion stories. You can read their stories or share your own story here.

Abortion Changes You has a list of unhealthy emotions and negative behaviors that women commonly experience after an abortion, along with organizations that provide help for each specific emotion and behavior. 

Abortion Changes You has a list of healing pathways designed to function as a starting point for reflection and healing at your pace, and on your own time. 


Living in Color is a post-abortion recovery and healing program designed for use by a small, facilitator-led support group. However, it is equally suitable for a person making a recovery journey alone, or in the company of a mentor, or counselor. 

A Special Word to Women Who Have Had an Abortion is a synopsis of Pope John Paul II’s encyclical letter, the Gospel of Life. It reassures women that there is forgiveness and healing to be found, and is written from a Catholic perspective.

Too often, millions regret their abortion and out of guilt keep their shame to themselves. Shame and guilt only lead too more pain. If you are experiencing pain, guilt, shame, anxiety, depression, fear, or isolation following an abortion, connect with others who have been where you are right now. You are not alone. You don’t need to suffer alone. You are not defined by your abortion. 

[Editor’s Note]: California Family Council is not a professional counseling site, nor is it meant to take the place of professional counseling. Sometimes an abortion experience can create intense emotions that you may not feel equipped to deal with on your own. Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255) if you’re thinking about or planning to hurt yourself. Organizations mentioned in this article do not necessarily mean an endorsement from California Family Council.



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