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California Legislature Plans to Open May 4: Watch Out for Several Really Bad Bills

If it wasn’t for the COVID-19 virus, the halls of the California Capitol would be packed right now.  Constituents and activists would be cramming into elevators chatting about legislative offices they plan to visit. Lobbyists would be hanging out in the corridors hoping to catch legislators rushing to committee hearings or exiting the legislative floor. But since lawmakers decided to recess March 16 to avoid spreading COVID-19, the capitol has been nearly deserted. Only legislative staff is permitted inside. 

But that will all change May 4 when legislators return to Sacramento. Some staffers think the return date might be extended as it has once before. No one knows for sure. And no knows for sure how bills will proceed through the approval process. Legislative deadlines over the past five weeks have been missed. Staffers know their boss’s 20 to 25 bills introduced this year will not all get a committee hearing. Some anticipate the only proposed legislation getting a hearing will be budget or the coronavirus related bills. The remaining bills will die or have to be reintroduced next year. 

The California Family Council has a list of really bad bills they are working against and praying will receive a quiet death. Below is a summary of those bills. Be sure to call the bill author’s office and ask that they remove these bills from consideration.

  • AB 2826  Outlaws boys and girls toy/clothes aisles in big box stores

    Author Assemblyman Evan Low (D) San Jose: Capitol office: (916) 319-2028, District office: (408) 446-2810

    According to this bill, it would be illegal to display children’s clothing or toy items by sex in stores with more than 500 employees. The author believes separating these items by sex incorrectly implies that their use by one gender is inappropriate. A retail department store violating this law is liable for a $1000 civil penalty. For more details read CFC’s article here
  • SB 1004  Forces health insurance companies to hide from parents the “sensitive” services received by their children, like abortions and mental health treatment

    Author Senator Hannah Beth Jackson (D) Santa Barbara: Capitol Office: (916) 651-4019, District office: (805) 965-0862

    This Planned Parenthood sponsored bill requires health insurance companies to hide from parents “sensitive” medical procedures given to their adult and minor children. These “sensitive” services include abortions; sexually transmitted infections treatment; drug abuse and mental health treatment; sexual assault treatment; and for adult children, cross-sex hormones and sex-change operations. 

    If passed, parents will find themselves obligated to pay for medical bills for their dependents, but they will not know what they are paying for. For more details read CFC’s article here
  • AB 2218: LGBT Transgender Wellness Fund: $15 million for sex-change operations and cross-sex hormones

    Author Assemblyman Miguel Santiago (D) Los Angeles: Capitol Office: (916) 319-2053, District office: (213) 620-4646

    This bill establishes the $15 million Transgender Wellness and Equity Fund to provide grants to nonprofits, hospitals, health care clinics, and other medical providers that provide puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones for minors, as well as cross-sex hormones and “sex-change” operations for adults. All these drugs and procedures sterilize the recipient and permanently damage healthy body parts. 
  • AB 1973 Eliminates co-pays and deductibles for abortion for those with public or private health insurance

    Author Assemblywoman Sydney Kamlager (D) Los Angeles: Capitol Office: (916) 319-2054, District office: (310) 641-5410

    This Planned Parenthood sponsored bill would prohibit Medi-Cal, a health care service plan, or an individual or group policy of disability insurance from imposing a deductible, coinsurance, copayment, or any other cost-sharing requirement on coverage for abortions.
  • AB 2035: Requires social workers to inform foster youth 10 yrs+ of rights to secret abortions and birth control

    Author Assemblywoman Blanca Rubio (D) San Gabriel Valley: Capitol Office: (916) 319-2048, District Office: (626) 960-4457

    This bill mandates foster children, starting in fifth grade, are told of their rights to receive free birth control and abortions without the approval or knowledge of their foster parents. It specifically would require county social workers to verify to the court that they have informed foster care children over 10 years of age of these rights and where to get these services. 

    The bill also requires foster families to receive annual training explaining these rights for foster care children. 


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