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March for Life Partnered with the California Family Council Announces 2020 California March for Life

National March for Life released for following announcement.

First-ever official California March for Life to take place in Sacramento on June 23rd, 2020

SACRAMENTO, CA – March for Life is honored to partner with the California Family Council to organize the first ever official California March for Life on June 23rd, 2020 in Sacramento, California. Marchers will rally at the state capitol to call for an end to pro-abortion extremism in the state.

“We are delighted to partner with the California Family Council, a solid pro-life, pro-family organization, to help plan and launch the first ever California March for Life. The march is an opportunity for California pro-lifers to unite and encourage state legislators to craft policies that respect the rights of the unborn,”  said Jeanne Mancini, President of March for Life Defense and Education Fund.

“Every human life has dignity and our laws must reflect that.”Jonathan Keller, President of California Family Council, said, “California claims to be the epicenter of the ‘progressive’ agenda, but when it comes to treating every human life with dignity and respect our Golden State has a tarnished record. That’s why California Family Council is thrilled to partner with our friends at the March for Life to host a peaceful gathering on June 23 on the steps of the Capitol. We invite all people to join us in celebrating God’s gift of life from conception to its natural end. Let us all recommit ourselves to liberty and justice for all – born and unborn.”   

The California March for Life will start with a rally at the State Capitol at 12:00 pm PT, followed by a march at 1:00 pm PT. More details, including a list of speakers, to be announced soon. Learn more at



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