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Parents Say Proposed CA Health Curriculum “Makes Us Sick”: Sacramento Rally May 8

Rally and Hearing at the California Department of Education May 8

Parents with Informed Parents of California (IPOC) feel physically sick to their stomachs after seeing the sexually explicit health curriculum California State Board of Education plans to approve next week. The California Family Council will join hundreds of these parents from around the state as they deliver a strong message of outrage to board members at a May 8th hearing at the California Department of Education building in Sacramento. Prior to the hearing, Informed Parents of California plans to hold a rally across the street in the California State Capitol Park.

“Parents did not sign up for this type of sexual indoctrination,” said Jonathan Keller, President of the California Family Council. “The state of California should not force moms and dads to chose between participating in public school and protecting their children’s innocence. No student needs to be exposed to this graphic and explicit material. It’s child abuse.”

Although IPOC leaders have problems with large portions of the 1000+ page Health Education Framework, which guides curriculum development for the next decade, they highlighted four recommended books to show how offensive, reckless, and immoral the framework is. The links below provide book excerpts to these recommended books. (Be forewarned. Some of the curriculum is very sexual explicit.)

“Informed parents, families and faith leaders across California demand the rejection of the so-called ‘Health Framework,’” said Stephanie Yates, co-founder of Informed Parents of California. “It’s down-right sickening. It’s dangerous. It’s reckless, and it will destroy our children’s physical, emotional, and mental health.”

Prior to the hearing, Informed Parents of California plans to hold a rally across the street in the California State Capitol Park.

Rally Time: 9 a.m. May 8, 2019.

Location: California State Capitol Park at the corner of 15th and N Streets.

State Board of Education Testimony: At 10:30 a.m. Informed Parents of California supporters will begin testifying against the Health Education Framework before the State Board of Education at the California Department of Education building located across the street from the rally at 1430 N St, Sacramento, CA.



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