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Outraged Parents to Rally Again at Capitol Over Sexualized K-12 Health Lessons

A mother-led grassroots group from Southern California is organizing a rally at the California state capitol next week to protest plans to add sexual content to K-12 health lessons, among other things. This will be the second rally this year Informed Parents of California (IPOC) have held at the capitol over this curriculum proposal.

After their first January 25 rally, which had around 50 participants, the group returned home determined to grow their movement. On February 19 IPOC leaders called on parents statewide to pull their children out of school in what they called a SeXXX Ed Sit Out. Over 40 school district throughout the state had parents participating with the number of children pulled out of school estimated at 3000 at a minimum.

Now IPOC leaders plan to come back to the Capitol the morning of March 28, hoping to bring over 1000 people to protest the morally corrupting content within the state’s comprehensive sex curriculum law (AB 329) and how this law is now being used by the State Department of Education to transform K-12 health curriculum into the future.

“California’s implementation of the California Healthy Youth Act (AB 329) is a model for organizations that push comprehensive sex education nationwide and they intend to use this agenda to promote social change,” said IPOC spokesperson Aileen Blachowski. “They are using our kids and our tax dollars to undermine families, parental authority, cultural values, and the very principles this nation was founded upon. California parents will not tolerate the state’s attempt to use our children as pawns to push their extreme and damaging agenda.”

IPOC has been exposing the content of the proposed Health Education Framework through its Facebook group and other social networks. Blachowski says the proposed framework, which will guide classroom teaching standards and textbook content for a decade or more, should be rejected.

IPOC pulled together the most objectionable portions of the 1000 page framework document in a 24 page summary with excerpt from the framework for K-6 grade health lessons with pictures of some of the recommended supplemental materials. (Don’t view this with kids around) This document includes:

  • Instructions telling kindergarten teachers to challenged stereotypes students have about gender, so kids don’t assume they can know someone’s gender just by observing someone’s physical characteristics, dress, likes, or behavior. These lessons should be reinforced by having transgender guest speakers.
  • Kindergarten books that introduce kids to families with members who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender.
  • First grade gender vocabulary lessons on words such as third gender, trans, queergender, non-binary, gender fluid, gender neutral, agender, bigender, and two-spirits.
  • Lessons for six year olds that provide detailed descriptions of sex with these quotes such as: “The man’s penis goes inside the woman’s vagina,” and “sperm can swim out through the small opening in the man’s penis – and into the woman’s vagina.”
  • Pictures in a book for third graders showing a cartoon drawing of a penis ejaculating sperm while inserted into a vagina.
  • Lessons which teach third graders that sexual reproductive organs don’t always match a person’s gender.
  • Recommendations that fifth graders are taught sexual health lessons that must include examples of same-sex sexual activity. Students should not be separated by sex during these lessons to avoid “misgendering” students.
  • Books that introduce 10-year-olds to anal sex, and the slang for male and female genitals.

This new Health Education Framework will be voted on by the State Board of Education at their May 8th/9th meeting. Rally goers are using their March 28th event at the capitol as an opportunity to draw state and national attention to their fight, and to make public comment at the final Instructional Quality Commission meeting right after the morning rally.

Event Details

  • Location: California State Capitol, 1315 10th Street, South Steps
  • Time: 10 a.m.
  • Rally Emcee: Phil Cowan, host of “The Answer” KTKZ 1380 AM, Sacramento
  • Instructional Quality Commission Meeting & opportunity to make public comment on the proposed Health Curriculum Framework to follow at 11:30 AM at 1430 N Street, Sacramento, CA.
  • RSVP at the Information Parents of California Event page.



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