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Nikki Haley: “A Baby’s Right to Live [is] the Most Basic Right There is”

According to Axios, former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley said that, “Unfortunately, many on the left use the abortion debate to divide women and demand conformity. They do this in the name of feminism. But that is not real feminism.” Haley said:

“The idea that women must adhere to a particular set of values is one of the most anti-women ideas in today’s culture. It is a rejection of the ideas of equality and tolerance that the women’s movement is supposed to be about.”

As a pro-life, female governor, I was blessed with a unique platform, and I made every effort to use it appropriately. Not to lob attacks at people who disagreed with me, not to diminish the other side, but to reframe the debate. To explain that being pro-life is not about being for or against women. It is about being for a baby’s right to live — the most basic right there is.”  

The former United States Ambassador to the United Nations made the above remarks before delivering a scheduled keynote address at the Susan B. Anthony List’s annual Campaign for Life gala.

In her remarks, Haley expressed her gratitude for the opportunity to live in the United States, where freedom and life are valued, However she also lamented the fact that human life is not given a greater priority when it comes to abortion. Haley said:

“Respect for human life is who we are as Americans. It is right there in the Declaration of Independence. You can’t have liberty and the pursuit of happiness without the right to life.

During her tenure as Governor, Haley used her time in office to champion pro life initiatives. She encouraged others to likewise use their platforms to support women and children. Haley said:

When we refuse to sit on the sidelines – when we refuse to be followers against our consciences – we can quite literally change the world.

I will always encourage people to use the power of their voices on behalf of freedom, justice, and life. Because you can’t truly stand for America if you don’t stand for ALL Americans, including the babies who don’t yet have a voice.

Nikki Haley is right. Every preborn child deserves the right to life, because every person is created in the image of God, and as such, deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.



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