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Former Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards Made $1 Million During her Last Year

Former Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards received over $1 million from the abortion corporation as her salary during her last year working for the company.

Planned Parenthood’s IRS forms are required by law to be made public, but the company typically drags its feet as long as possible before doing so. Planned Parenthood has strategically even gone to such measures as to release its IRS forms on major holidays, hoping that less attention will be derived from it doing so.

The latest IRS forms posted on the company’s website reveal that Cecile Richards’ salary was $1,033,274 for the fiscal year running from July 1, 2017, to June 30, 2018.

According to Lifenews:

Vice President Dawn Laguens, who left not long after Richards did, made $891,092 that same year, according to the form, a requirement of tax-exempt non-profit organizations. In total, the 14 top level employees of Planned Parenthood made salaries that combine to equal about $6.2 million, the form indicates.

That same year, Planned Parenthood reported a record $1.66 billion in revenue in its annual report while providing fewer actual health care services and more abortions. Planned Parenthood identifies as a non-profit organization.

On April 30th, 2018 after twelve years and 3,500,000 abortions, Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards stepped down from leading the abortion giant responsible for the killing of 320,000 babies every year. Planned Parenthood is an organization that promotes itself as a women’s health organization, but ironically does not provide adoption referrals or prenatal health care for women. During Richards’ twelve years with Planned Parenthood, the organization became the nation’s largest abortion provider with record income and profit levels derived from abortions.

During her tenure, Richards transformed Planned Parenthood into a wealthy abortion corporation with a 2016-2017 budget in excess of $1.46 billion. That’s an increase of more than $100 million from 2015-2016, half a billion of which are taxpayer funded federal dollars. She also was instrumental in shaping Planned Parenthood into a huge PR organization to promote abortion on demand.

Cecile Richards was also known for her embarrassingly bad talking points about abortion – which quite frequently backfired

Richards left the organization in 2018, forming her own political advocacy group shortly thereafter. She was replaced by current CEO Leana Wen. Not much has changed with Planned Parenthood’s agenda with Leanna Wen now in charge. If anything, the abortion corporation has only become more radical.  As of yet there is no information available concerning her salary.



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