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VP Pence: Trump Administration is the “Most Pro-Adoption Administration in American History”

On Tuesday, November 12, Vice President Mike Pence once again reiterated that the Trump administration will stand for religious freedom on behalf of faith-based religious organizations. Vice President Mike Pence stated that the current administration would work with and protect religious organizations that support adoption.

Vice President Mike Pence spoke Tuesday at the Administration for Children and Families’ 2019 National Adoption Month Celebration. During his speech, he referred to President Donald Trump’s administration as the “most pro-adoption administration in American history.”

“We… understand the role that communities of faith play in adoption and we’re going to continue to support many faith-based organizations that have always and will continue to play a vital role in helping vulnerable children find forever homes,” Pence said.

Pence stated he was extremely proud of the Trump administration’s direction on matters of religious liberty as well as pro life issues. 

“We will stand for the freedom of religion and we will stand with faith-based organizations,” Pence said, affirming that the Trump administration would not support the jeopardizing “the ability of faith-based providers to serve those in need by penalizing them for their deeply held religious beliefs.”

United States Secretary of State Alex Azar also spoke at the event, and also spoke about the administrations’ efforts to give children stability and a loving family environment. Azar stressed the fact that adoption gives children’s a “safe and stable platform for kids to grow into stable, responsible, and self-sufficient adults.”

“In all of our human services work at HHS, our overarching goal is to promote independence, personal responsibility, and self-sufficiency—to help Americans lead flourishing, fulfilling, independent lives,” the secretary added. “That means using our programs for low-income Americans to support work, marriage, and family life.”

“With this administration’s commitment to your cause, I look forward to seeing what we can achieve together,” Azar told those assembled. “Together, we’re giving kids more than just a permanent home — we’ll give them permanent hope.”



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