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Elizabeth Warren says “There is Value in Every Single Human Being,” but Supports Abortion

Elizabeth Warren is very inconsistent when it comes to her religiousness. The Democratic presidential candidate has claimed that she is a Christian and said that she believes “there is value in every single human being,” yet she strongly supports the killing of innocent human life.

During her campaign, Warren has consistently proclaimed herself to be a Christian. Recently during a CNN Town Hall, Warren jokingly reminisced about her experience as a Sunday school teacher at her former Methodist church in Oklahoma.

“All I can say is, nobody got hurt,” she said. “It was a low bar for being a fifth grade Sunday school teacher at our church. And I raised my children in the Methodist church.”

During that same CNN Town Hall, Warren also referenced a parable from Matthew 25 where Jesus speaks of judgement and the ensuing separation of the sheep from the goats.

“This is the one where the shepherd is dividing the world into the sheep and the goats,” she said. “And as we all know, sheep are going to heaven, goats, they’re not. And the sheep ask him, ‘Why us? Why us, Lord? Why did you pick us? We look like those – like those guys.’ And the shepherd, the Lord, answers back by saying, ‘I was hungry, and you gave me food. I was thirsty, and you gave me water. I was in prison, and you visited me, naked and ye clothed me. Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of these, the least of thy brethren, you have done it unto me.’

After referencing the parable, Warren then claimed that two things about the parable influence her work every day. She continued:

“The first is … there is value in every single human being – every single human being,” she said. “And the second is that we are called to action.”

However, Warren’s words directly contradict her actions, especially when it comes to the sanctity and dignity of human life. Every single time that Warren has been given the opportunity to vote on pro-life issues, she has consistently voted in favor of abortion policies that devalue both the life of a mother and her child.

According to Lifenews, in June, Warren told the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition in Chicago that her faith “animates all that I do.”

“I could not come to the house of God without speaking about my faith because my faith animates all that I do,” she said. “I truly do believe in the worth of every single human being.”

However, also in June – at a Planned Parenthood sponsored “We Decide” forum featuring 2020 Democratic presidential candidates, Warren said:

“We need to pass a federal law to make Roe v. Wade the rule of the law all across this country… making sure that Planned Parenthood… are everywhere and available to everyone.” 

In a confusing statement, Warren also said that she is “committed to protecting a woman’s right to choose and believes that politicians shouldn’t interfere in choices that are between a woman and her doctor.”

Clearly, Warren does not value life like she claims, otherwise she would not be such an ardent supporter of abortion.



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