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Aborting Children Because of a Potential Down Syndrome Diagnosis is an Unnecessary Tragedy

Every child deserves legal protections just as any other individual, but those who are the most vulnerable naturally need the most protection. No child diagnosed with potentially having Down Syndrome deserves to be killed simply because they are unwanted for being diagnosed as potentially “abnormal.”

Prenatal testing for Down Syndrome is not even completely reliable.

A recent study out of the University of Cambridge documents Early stage embryos with abnormalities may still develop into healthy babies. The study found:

Abnormal cells in the early embryo are not necessarily a sign that a baby will be born with a birth defect such as Down’s syndrome, suggests new research carried out in mice at the University of Cambridge. In a study published … in the journal Nature Communications, scientists show that abnormal cells are eliminated and replaced by healthy cells, repairing – and in some cases completely fixing – the embryo.

Tragically, many women and families make the decision to abort their child based off of a prediction that their baby has Down Syndrome.

According to Live Action News:

The tragedy, as Lila Rose pointed out, is that many children are never given a chance. “Unfortunately, these diagnostic, life-saving advances are not always matched by caring and informed advice. Sometimes doctors and society recommend that babies with disabilities pay the ultimate price of abortion for their conditions,” she said. Prominent people in society even believe preborn babies with non-life threatening conditions like Down syndrome should be aborted. In Iceland, virtually every preborn child diagnosed with Down syndrome is aborted, and in several other countries abortion rates exceed 90% for babies identified as having the chromosomal condition. Yet as mothers who chose life for their babies with Down syndrome have attested, these children are a beautiful gift to the world.

“Pregnant women are routinely advised to undergo prenatal testing,” said Westwood, according to LifeSite News. “Sadly, many women often end the lives of their unborn babies due to a Down Syndrome, other chromosomal variation, or disability prediction, which may or may not be true. Doctors would do well to encourage all women to carry their children to term, and for them and all of us to welcome the diversity any child of any ability brings.”

A study published in 2015 found that “abortion after prenatal diagnosis has reduced the population of individuals living with Down Syndrome in the U.S. by approximately 30%,” according to the Charlotte Lozier Institute. The percentage of women who abort following a prenatal diagnosis is much higher. The percentage above reflects the overall reduction in the Down Syndrome population, and takes into consideration total Down Syndrome pregnancies, whether prenatally diagnosed or not.

Mark Bradford writes:

“Whatever the statistical realities may be, the number of those who choose abortion after a prenatal diagnosis  is far too high. It should be none. To paraphrase the recently deceased disabilities rights activist, Dr. Adrienne Asch, the only thing prenatal diagnosis can provide is a first impression of who a child will be. Making such a radical decision as to end the life of a child based upon a first impression is a most horrible and violent form of discrimination. It has no place in an American society that is committed to ending discrimination in any form…”

North Dakota was the first state in the United States to ban abortions on babies diagnosed with Down Syndrome, doing so in 2013.

Every life has value no matter the circumstances or stage. Choosing to have a life-ending abortion because of your child being given a potential Down Syndrome diagnosis is not beneficial, kind, or humane – it’s heartbreaking. The violence of an abortion is never the solution.



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