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Governor Newsom Signs a Bill to Force State Universities into the Abortion Business

This afternoon, Governor Gavin Newsom signed SB 24, a dangerous and untested bill to force California’s 32 public colleges universities into the abortion business. Former Governor Jerry Brown refused to sign similar legislation just last year, and even Newsom’s own Department of Finance publicly opposed requiring university health centers to dispense abortion drugs.

“Governor Newsom’s decision to sign SB 24 is infuriating and outrageous,” said California Family Council President Jonathan Keller. “He has chosen the accolades of abortion activists over the safety of students.” 

California Family Council is part of a broad coalition that has fought mandated abortion drugs since 2017. “Newsom ignored his own financial experts. He ignored the wisdom of a two-term governor from his own party. He ignored university officials who didn’t want to bear the liability and cost of on-campus abortions,” Keller said. “Sadly, it appears Governor Newsom’s commitment to discredited groups like Planned Parenthood overruled legitimate concerns about turning America’s largest higher education system into a chemical abortion network.”

In 2018, Governor Brown vetoed SB 320 which was nearly identical bill to SB 24 and also sponsored by Senator Connie Leyva (D-San Bernardino). In Brown’s veto message from September 30, 2018, the Governor correctly noted that “the average distance to abortion providers in campus communities varies from five to seven miles, not an unreasonable distance.”

Senator Leyva spent the last two and a half years trying to get approval for a bill that forces public university health centers to dispense Mifepristone and Misoprostol, the two-drug abortion cocktail that kills an unborn child up to 10 weeks old and then induces an artificial miscarriage. Leyva has repeatedly mischaracterized chemical abortion as “easy” and “convenient,” even claiming side effects are no different than those of Aspirin or Ibuprofen. 

More information about SB 24: 



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