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Florida Safe Haven Law Saves Newborn Infant

A Florida Safe Haven Law – along with a brave mother’s actions – is being credited with saving the life of a newborn after a Florida mother approached a fire station in Davie, Florida with an infant only hours old. The Florida mother made the decision to surrender her six pound newborn wrapped in a towel into the arms of a firefighter. 

The baby is still alive because of the mother’s decision and is said to be in good condition, according to the Associated Press. The Associated Press stated that “police were not called when the mother left the child.” Battalion Fire Chief Daniel Moran said “moms in crisis should know it’s completely anonymous and in the best interests of the child” to bring babies to authorities if they can’t take care of them.

According to Baby Safe Haven:

Safe Haven Infant Protection Laws enable a person to give up an unwanted infant anonymously. As long as the baby has not been abused, the person may do so without fear of arrest or prosecution.

The purpose of Safe Haven is to protect unwanted babies from being hurt or killed because they were abandoned.

You may have heard tragic stories of babies left in dumpsters or public toilets. The parents who committed these acts may have been under severe emotional distress. The mothers may have hidden their pregnancies, fearful of what would happen if their families found out. Because they were afraid and had nowhere to turn for help, they abandoned their babies.

Abandoning a baby puts the child in extreme danger. Too often, it results in the child’s death. It is also illegal, with severe consequences. But with Safe Haven, this tragedy doesn’t ever have to happen again.

Under the existing Baby Safe Haven Law in Florida, you can leave your baby, up to seven days old, with an employee at any hospital, emergency medical services station, or with a fire fighter at any fire station in Florida without being forced to answer any questions or face any legal consequences. The account of this woman in Florida utilizing this Safe Haven Law proves the value of these life-saving laws. For information about Safe Haven Laws in your specific state visit Baby Safe Haven or call toll-free 1-888-510-BABY.

The baby in this case will be put up for adoption. While sad that some women are faced with the decision of whether or not to themselves raise their child or utilizing a Safe Haven baby box, the reality is that women should feel no shame or stigma in choosing the life-saving, or life-enhancing option for their child.

[Editor’s Note]: This story originally broke roughly a year ago in September of 2018, but is being reported on to illustrate the timeless reality that Baby Safe Haven Laws and baby boxes do save precious little lives.



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